Talk:The Doctor - List of Mentions

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This list could be massive, the Doctor Who spin-offs#Other Doctor Who Spin Offs are practically a case study in how to not mention the Doctor or other stuff owned by the BBC. Much the same goes for the Faction Paradox (series), the Bernice Summerfield Virgin novels (after Virgin lost the licence).

This sort of thing is bad for a list, if the topic needs to be covered it's not a list but an article chock full of references, that can really discuss why these things occured, what the impact was and the process of it and everything like that. --Tangerineduel 18:11, September 10, 2010 (UTC)

  • Surely the length should not be an issue? Now, we're supposed to note as much as possible in the infoboxes, yes? We're not supposed to miss information out, yes? And if sections get too long for an infobox, they are better placed on another article as appropriate, yes? Well then, this page should exist. We can't have that rule for one section but not another. I mean, look at the tenth doctor's appearances, it is lengthy, but we still have that. If we don't note references to him, we wouldn't be documenting the show(s) properly.

One thing that may make it easier though. We could have one for the Doctor, then for those who only reference one specific incarnation (as that is the only one they have met or known) they are separated into pages for each incarnation. --The Thirteenth Doctor 18:25, September 10, 2010 (UTC)

even if it is done that way theres still gonna be too much to put on a page. and its not really that important for the wiki anyway. Revanvolatrelundar 18:31, September 10, 2010 (UTC)

  • But why is it considered unimportant over other things? We are supposed to document every possible piece of information that people would want to know. By that thought, the number of times, or when etc, the Doctor has been mentioned should be noted. And like I said, length should not really be an issue. What happens if the eleventh doctor goes on for ten years, and his appearances are in their thousands, do we note all that on a page? --The Thirteenth Doctor 18:41, September 10, 2010 (UTC)
There is information and then there is information. Take Gothic stories an article I spent some time researching, it used to be a category (which is sort of a step down from a list) and was poorly defined the topic because it's quite wide and needed to have information added to it because there is some question about what's gothic.
Currently the list is just a list and un-interesting. Currently looking through the list there is no context to the information or any real information to the list. (Is this a list of mentions of just 'the Doctor' does it include inferred references, does it mean people have specifically mentioned 'the Doctor' or just a Doctor to which the viewer has recognised as being the Doctor?)
The issue isn't the length of the article, but more its content, I haven't learnt anything from looking through the list, I'm not sure if breaking it down by incarnation is the best route in this case. I think this needs to be broken down by show and format. Have an article and list for the TV series of all 4 series (DW, SJA, TW, K9) and for each novel series, audio drama series etc. Give the information some context, people will want to know if the Doctor is just mentioned as 'the Doctor' in passing or the various obscure references made to the Doctor which is inferred and suggested in the various video spin-offs of the '90s and the books.
This could be an interesting set of articles, but a list I don't think is the way to go for this because it's too simple a way to present the information which needs to be explained and given context to make sense. --Tangerineduel 14:47, September 11, 2010 (UTC)
So instead of simply having a list, have an article such as "Mentions of the Doctor in Torchwood" and explain each reference to him in as much detail as possible? --The Thirteenth Doctor 14:58, September 11, 2010 (UTC)
There can be a list within the article.
But essentially yes an article, maybe Mentions of the Doctor and sub-page off from it, the main article would define the topic in a general sense with the sub-pagess going off from it into detail with examples and a list if it's really needed (they shouldn't just be sub-pages with lists). --Tangerineduel 15:35, September 11, 2010 (UTC)