Theory:SJA television discontinuity and plot holes/The Last Sontaran

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This page is for discussing the ways in which The Last Sontaran doesn't fit well with other DWU narratives. You can also talk about the plot holes that render its own, internal narrative confusing.

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Lack of reference to the events don't mean they didn't already occur. However, the vacation in Cornwall could conceivably have occurred during the six weeks that elapse between the main part of this story and the Jacksons' departure for America. There is no evidence for or against.
Sarah Jane explains in the following story (TV: The Day of the Clown) that people will say anything to avoid facing the truth. Also, TV: The Runaway Bride gave us Donna Noble, a similar character (initially) to Chrissie, who had managed to remain oblivious to the Battle of Canary Wharf and the Sycorax invasion; in the case of Chrissie several previous episodes have established that she is rather dense when it comes to these things (Revenge of the Slitheen, Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?). And a very public Dalek invasion doesn't mean that people will believe in aliens that are showing up all the time. TW: Children of Earth: Day One establishes that following the Dalek invasion many people do now believe in alien life, but not all have chosen to accept it; this strongly implies that there has been no government cover up.
His look here is consistent with his look after the reboot, and going forward in the series. If anything, the discontinuity would be in TV: The Stolen Earth.
The fact that a few Sontarans take their helmets completely off does not mean that they don't have the capability to slide open.
Perhaps Kaagh is some sort of 'Special Ops' and so has access to different military technology, which would explain why he has a different weapon as well as the helmet.
  • Why didn't Kaagh just use Lucy first rather than risk his first plan failing asSarah Jane had 45 mins to stop him?
Because using his first plan he had time to escape, and Lucy was the plan B.
  • Why was Kaagh's scoutship already fleeing? The Sontarans were destroyed only seconds after finding out their ship would be destroyed, he couldn't escape that quickly.
When the Doctor stopped the Sontarans choking the Earth, General Staal ordered his soldiers to take Earth by force; Kaagh was probably one of the first troops sent to attack. We do see several scoutships leaving the mother ship as the explosion occurs.
Kaagh had the gun on a different setting.
  • About 13 minutes into Part Two, a shot of the countdown is shown as a video playing in VLC Media Player.
Many graphics seen on screens on TV shows are videos that have been prepared beforehand and played as the scene is shot. If you ever watch Doctor Who Confidential and see someone entering the TARDIS console room set through the doors, you can often see a computer displaying the TARDIS screen graphics, which are being played on a computer and the monitor on the console. In this case, however, perhaps turnaround between takes was so fast that they didn't wait for the video control bar (which often disappears on VLC when a video is playing full-screen) to disappear, possibly for continuity as shots have to match previous ones, you'd notice if the countdown said 4 minutes and then in the next shot said 5). All said, this is an error.
  • Why didn't Kaagh just use his gun to blast through the doors?
Could it have been low on energy?
  • Kaagh states that the Doctor blew up the command ship hen it was in fact Luke Rattigan*