- Keth was the name given to the organism by the second Betrushians. The name given to it by its creators is unknown.
The Keth was a creation of the ancient Betrushians to eliminate evolutionary dead-ends.
The Keth was a perpetually shifting organism which takes traits from organism it envelops. When it is first awakened, it took the appearance of yellow ooze, but as it grew it took on different forms (including a massive humanoid form). (NA: St Anthony's Fire)
The Keth was a type of organism that can break down other organisms that are a danger to the environment or genetically stagnant. Unfortunately, its standards were set too high and it started to destroy all life on Betrushia. The Betrushians were able to stop it by installing satellites in the orbit of Betrushia which trapped it in the centre of the planet. After millions of years, the planet eventually recovered from the destruction. The Betrushians who evolved after the event retained it as a racial memory. The Keth (as it was named) was a force of evil that was destined to destroy the world.
In 2148, the Chapter of St Anthony had come to Betrushia, but their ships destroyed some of the satellites that held the Keth underneath Betrushia. The Keth was then awoken, which destabilized the core of the planet. The Betrushians were able to take the ships from the Chapter of St Anthony and used them to boost the power of the satellites until the planet eventually destroyed itself, destroying the Keth with it. (NA: St Anthony's Fire)