Children of Earth: Day Three (TV story)

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The eyes of the world turn to Britain, as the 456 announce: "We are here," as the new Torchwood adventure continues. As a pillar of fire descends upon London, the members of Torchwood must battle to protect their own families as the fight gets personal. But will Clem's memories destroy everything?


The team have set up a base in an old factory that was used by Torchwood One for storage. The base is stocked with equipment and supplies "creatively acquired" by the team by stealing from people on the street.While researching the other people who were targeted for assassination, Jack recognizes them and runs off.

In Cardiff, Jack's daughter Alice is still trying to contact him; she goes outside and borrows a girl's mobile to phone the Cardiff police, but the Government's scanners pick up the mention of Jack's name and attempt to find the connection between them. Agent Johnson gets word of this and her team take Alice and her son away with them "To help them" as it would be safer for Alice and Steven. All of a sudden Steven points southeastwards to London. All the children on Earth are pointing towards London.

A pillar of light shoots out of the sky and enters Whitehall, filling the gas tank. Mr Frobisher and Mr Dekker meet with the aliens, who inform the humans to call them "456". During the discussion, Frobisher extracts a promise from the 456 that it will not mention its previous visit to Earth in 1965.

Gwen again meets Lois Habiba in the cafe and asks her to wear some special contact lenses that allow the Torchwood team to view what is going on through them. Lois protests but takes the contacts with her despite her fear of committing treason. Gwen then phones Andy Davidson to bail Clem out from police custody and brings him back to the base.

Jack sneaks into Frobisher's house and steals his wife's mobile. He phones Frobisher, having made the connection between the children and the events of 1964 and threatens Frobisher that he could "blow this thing sky high" with the information he has. In retaliation, Frobisher informs Jack that they have taken his daughter and grandson into custody will kill them if he does so.

Frobisher, Brigit Spears and Lois Habiba enter the gas chamber room where it is being filmed for the prime minister and being transmitted to a conference room where UNIT, the American general and the Prime Minister are watching. Frobisher demands that the 456 cease using human children to communicate through; in return the 456 demand a gift: 10% of the children on Earth.

Back at the old warehouse, Clem tells Gwen that he "smells the man" who brought the children to the aliens. When Jack walks in, Clem then regonises him as the man in 1965 who gave the twelve children up to the aliens. When Gwen protests that Jack is a "good guy," and that he fights aliens, Jack informs them that in this instance, he had done what was asked. He gave the 456 the children..."as a gift."


Production crew

to be added


  • This is the second time in the recent Doctor Who multiverse that an alien asked for ten percent of a population, the first being in The Sound of Drums when the Master kills ten percent of Earth's population. Both stories involved Captain Jack Harkness.
  • The Doctor is mentioned. This is the first episode of Torchwood to explicitly reference The Doctor.

Story notes

to be added


  • 5.9 million viewers ( overnight )


to be added

Filming Locations

to be added

Discontinuity, Plot Holes and Errors

When Lois Habiba wears the contact lens, she puts them both in the same eye (her left eye)


DVD releases

  • This Episode will be released on DVD along with the rest of Children of Earth on the 13th of July.

See also

to be added

External links
