Johnson (Children of Earth: Day One)

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Agent Johnson was a trained government official tasked with infiltrating Torchwood three to assess how well equipped they were.


She placed Rupesh Patinjali in the field to masquerade as a potential new member for Torchwood. However, after months of perfect infiltration, the plan was abandoned when, following the reappearance of the 456, she received orders from John Frobisher to terminate Captain Jack Harkness. Under Johnson's orders, Patinjali lured in Harkness and shot him. After confirming that Harkness did indeed recover from the seemingly fatal wound, Johnson had a bomb surgically placed in his abdomen, in an effort to destroy the Hub and sever Harkness's theoretical connection to the Rift, in hopes it was the key to his immortality. Patinjali realized that Johnson considered him a security risk now that his cover was blown, and that she had no intention of hiding him from Torchwood. She shot him while attempting to escape. (TW: Day One)

Johnson positioned a team at Cardiff Bay to eliminate any survivors of the Torchwood team, but they failed to catch Gwen Cooper and Ianto Jones, who made their separate escapes. She and her men coerced PC Andy Davidson into leading them Gwen's home, where she again eluded capture, shooting the tires of Johnson's vehicle. The next morning Johnson supervised the search for Jack's body and when remains were found she ordered them transported and sealed within a remote military compound. When Jack's body eventually reassembled and regenerated, Johnson opted to have him encased in cement to keep him contained. However, Gwen, Rhys, and Ianto infiltrated the base and smashed Jack out of the cell with a fork-lift truck. Johnson and her men pursued the group, but were cut off in their pursuit by an exploding lorry Gwen and Rhys placed in the middle of the road. She then phoned Mr Frobisher and apologised for their failure. (TW: Day Two)

The next day Johnson's team located Alice Carter by tracing her phone call to the authorities inquiring after Jack. Investigating her mysterious background, Johnson's team eventually determined that Alice was Jack's daughter. Johnson led the team that stormed Alice's home and eventually cornered her in alley outside as she made her escape with her son, Steven. (TW: Day Three)

Johnson grew agitated as she found herself kept increasingly out-of-the-loop. Nonetheless, Johnson continued to pursue the Torchwood team. She led the strike force that confronted Gwen at the abandoned Torchwood 1 holding facility that the team had been using as their temporary base. However, she was forced to stand down when Gwen revealed that Torchwood had blackmailed Johnson's superiors in the government. (TW:Day Four)