Talent Scout

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The Talent Scout was a being originating from the planet mined by SERVEYOUinc company. In the course of several encounters with the Eleventh Doctor, his TARDIS, Alice Obiefune, John Jones and ARC, the Talent Scout gained the ability to time travel, resulting in his consequent meetings with the Doctor to be out of order.


Early life

This section's awfully stubby.

Needs info from (COMIC: Four Dimensions)

SERVEYOUinc retrieval of the Entity

The Talent Scout led a team onto a celestial body the size of the Moon in a "backwater zone of space" to attack a telepathic organism. He claimed he could feel that the organism wanted to learn and sadistically instructed his team to electrocute it because he wanted to hear it scream. The Entity absorbed the Talent Scout and he became combined and entrapped within the Entity. He was presumed dead by his team. (COMIC: Four Dimensions)

SERVEYOUinc experiments on the Entity

This section's awfully stubby.

Needs info from (COMIC: Four Dimensions)

Entity deployed on Rokhandi

Portion of the Entity on Rokhandi. (COMIC: The Friendly Place)

Ten years later, the Eleventh Doctor and Alice Obiefune encountered a portion of an Entity on Rokhandi. August Hart had it caged in the Rokhandi World amusement park. It fed on a lifeform's desire to cause trouble, making them docile. Hart was feeding people to it to make them obedient park employees or convenient trouble-free customers.

When the Doctor was fed to the Entity, it could not process the Time Lord and was destroyed. The employees were restored and staged a revolt against Hart. (COMIC: The Friendly Place) The Talent Scout in the main portion of the Entity was awoken by the thought of a time machine, and emerged from the Entity. (COMIC: The Rise and Fall)

Subjugating the Doctor

When the Doctor attempted to take over SERVEYOUinc to end their intrusions in his life, he arrived just after the Scout had awoken and murdered the company's CEO, Enoch Thorne. The Scout tempted the Doctor with the return of the Time Lords and made him the Chief Executive. (COMIC: The Rise and Fall) Alice made the Doctor remember his past, and the Entity's containment tube exploded, destroying SERVEYOUinc City. (COMIC: The Other Doctor)

Subjugating the TARDIS

The Doctor explains the Talent Scout's timeline. (COMIC: Four Dimensions)

After the destruction of SERVYOUinc City, the Talent Scout stowed away on the TARDIS. The Doctor wanted to track down the Entity and let ARC pilot the TARDIS back to when he and the Entity were first separated. The Talent Scout tried to tempt each of the Doctor's companions and failed. Alice and ARC threw him out the TARDIS doors and into space. (COMIC: Four Dimensions)

Later encounters with the Doctor

In 1931 Mississippi, the Talent Scout was controlling the talent of people. He was foiled by the Doctor, Alice and Jones, but escaped. This was the Doctor's first meeting with the Talent Scout from his perspective. (COMIC: What He Wants...)

In 2014, the talent scout briefly appeared to the Eleventh Doctor in the form of a Time Lord. (COMIC: After Life)

While the Doctor and his companions were involved in the Amstron-J'arrodic airfight, the Scout disguised himself as Alice's mother and attempted to acquaintance himself with them. After the Doctor deduced he wasn't Alice's mother, he teleported away and told the Doctor they'd meet again. (COMIC: The Eternal Dogfight / The Infinite Astronaut)