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You may wish to consult Angel for other, similarly-named pages.

Angels, according to the mythology of many species, were spiritual beings that served God as his messengers.

Popular Earth depictions of angels often presented them as beautiful humans with halos and/or wings, not unlike Solonians in their "evolved form" (TV: The Mutants), Light (TV: Ghost Light) and the Weeping Angels. (TV: Blink) Members of the Heavenly Host, robots designed by Max Capricorn, resembled angels by deliberate design. (TV: Voyage of the Damned)


When Christian missionaries failed to exorcise Saul from Cheldon Bonniface, they built a church on the site, then declared him an angel. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation)

In 325, Arius and Clement came to suspect that Erimem was an angel when they witnessed the TARDIS dematerialise. (AUDIO: The Council of Nicaea)

By 1055, Sebastian Grayle believed that the Nimon were angels. (AUDIO: Seasons of Fear)

In 1240, the people of Kiev believed that an alien soldier buried in the catacombs was a dark angel. (PROSE: Bunker Soldiers)

In 1553, when Mistress Ellen and Queen Jane Grey witnessed Rani Chandra return to her own time via a time window, Ellen believed it to be witchcraft, but Jane believed Rani to have been an angel. (TV: Lost in Time)

In 1609, Cardinal Robert Bellarmine mediated the Armageddon Convention while believing that he was intervening in a war between angels. (PROSE: The Empire of Glass)

In 1669, Father Chadwick Vita thought that the Healer was an angel. (COMIC: Black Death White Life)

In 1702, Major Billy Lovemore claimed he was an angel of retribution before shooting Ned Cotton. (AUDIO: Phantasmagoria)

In 1759, Madame de Pompadour called the Tenth Doctor "my lonely angel". (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace)

In 1869, Gwyneth believed that the Gelth were angels. (TV: The Unquiet Dead)

In 1914, soldiers fighting in World War I in Belgium came to believe that a Warfreek surveillance device was the Angel of Death come to take the dead to Heaven. Later, Rose Tyler posed as an angel to put a stop to a battle. (COMIC: Warfreekz!)

In 1930, a New York City showgirl named Tallulah performed "My Angel Put the Devil in Me" dressed as an angel, while the supporting dancers were dressed like devils. (TV: Daleks in Manhattan)

In 1953, Father Hemmings believed that the aliens he had found washed up on a beach were angels. (PROSE: The Canvey Angels)

Chad Boyle believed that the Timewyrm was an angel. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation)

In 1997, Gabriel and Jude of the Rapture claimed to be angels. (AUDIO: The Rapture)

In 2007, a viewer of Ghostwatch believed that the Cybermen, who appeared all over the world, were angels. (WC: Ghostwatch)

In 2009, Peter Dalton believed that the Trickster was an angel. (TV: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith)

In 2009, Oliver Harrington believed that the glow that the people the neutron eater consumed emitted meant they were turning into angels. (AUDIO: Lost Souls)

When the Enochai attacked Greenwich in 2009 they had the appearance of clockwork angels. (COMIC: Don't Step on the Grass)

In his Miracle Day speech in 2011, Oswald Danes claimed that humanity had evolved into angels. (TV: The Categories of Life)

When !C-Mel became Clarence, he took on the appearance of an angel. (PROSE: Ghost Devices)

The Morphieans had the ability to animate stone statues of angels. (PROSE: Ten Little Aliens)