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An unnamed species of Demon existed before the universe.


Demons are immensely tall humanoids with skin colours ranging from blood-red to pale blue, and horns ranging from long and curved to short and straight. They also a have variety of facial features, ranging from skull-like faces to more bestial ones.

The Demons have shown a wide variety of powers, such as mental projection, telepathic control, pryokinesis and life absorption. (DW: The Satan Pit, TW: End of Days)


Not much is known about the Demons, since only two known individuals have survived into the present universe.

Before this universe, the Beast fought a war against the Disciples of the Light. He was eventually defeated and trapped under Krop Tor, which was set in obit around the black hole later known as K37 Gem 5. He was still able to influence the universe around him and caused the development of demon-like entities. Though he attempted to escape Krop Tor by leaving behind his physical body, the Doctor was able to stop him and both his body and spirit will sucked into the black hole. (DW: The Impossible Planet, The Satan Pit)

The Beast's son, Abaddon, on the other hand, was trapped under the Cardiff Rift on Earth. He too was released (by Bilis Manger) and attempted to consume all life on Earth. He was eventually stopped by Jack Harkness who was immortal and caused Abaddon to be overwhelmed by life energy. (TW: End of Days)

It is believed that the Disciples of the Light may have trapped Abaddon under the Cardiff Rift.