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Timeline for 1868
19th century | 1860s

1862 • 1863 • 1864 • 1865 • 1866 • 1867 • 1869 • 1870 • 1871 • 1872 • 1873 • 1874

In 1868, Wychborn House burned down. (PROSE: Strange England)

In February, the Seventh Doctor took his former companion Victoria Waterfield, who had settled in the 20th century, to London where she took care of her father Edward Waterfield's fortune and visited her aunt, Margaret Waterfield, before returning to her adopted time. (PROSE: Prelude Birthright)

In March, Iris Wildthyme visited London. (AUDIO: The Boy That Time Forgot)

The First Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Vicki Pallister attended a speech by Thomas Huxley at the Royal College of Surgeons, after which they fought the Zarbi and the Animus. (COMIC: Unnatural Selection)

According to the book Pieter Mon Marchè: A Diary of Discovery by Silas Portis, the Victorian explorer Pieter Mon Marchè spent "some months" in Khartoum. (AUDIO: The Man Who Wasn't There)