Arcateenian transporter

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The Arcateenians used transporters. They were shaped like six claws attached to each other, and could transport other beings. They used dark matter.

In 1812, an Arcateentian and her prison guard were travelling. She killed the guard and used the transporter to travel to Cardiff. She possessed the body of a human called Mary, and stole her identity. The transporter was left behind in Cardiff, and became buried as the city moved on. The transporter was found by Torchwood Three in 2007, and as such Mary planned to infiltrate Torchwood in order to get the transporter. After seducing Toshiko Sato and gaining her trust, Mary broke into the Hub and demanded she have the transporter holding Tosh at knifepoint. Jack Harkness gave it back to her, but had re-programmed it and it took her to the centre of the sun. (TV: Greeks Bearing Gifts)