Time Bubble

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A time bubble, or stasis bubble, was a pocket dimension, (PROSE: The Crystal Bucephalus) a four-dimensional sphere (AUDIO: The Eternal Summer) that occurred when an individual met his past or future self under certain circumstances or by intervention of the Time Lords. A bubble resulted in time being frozen save for the individual who caused it or, in reverse, frozen only for the individual who was trapped in it. The bubble would quickly deteriorate and normal time would resume.

The Eighth Doctor caused time bubbles when he was visiting his past incarnations to reclaim lost memories. (PROSE: The Eight Doctors)

The Time Lords captured the King Yrcanos in a time bubble on Thoros Beta, in order to release him at the right time for an attack to the laboratory of Crozier — whose work they wanted to be wiped out. (TV: Mindwarp)

In the court on Space Station Zenobia, the Sixth Doctor and the Valeyard were put in a time bubble for five microspans for consultation. No one outside the bubble were able to see or hear what was going on. (AUDIO: Trial of the Valeyard)

Fyodor Nikolai Kerensky's experiments in time, and Scaroth's method of time travel, had the appearance of a time bubble. (TV: City of Death)

Due to an exploding Rutan warp core engine, Stockbridge became trapped in a 60 year time bubble/stasis field. (AUDIO: The Eternal Summer)

Battle TARDISes could fire time torpedoes to trap targets within stasis bubbles. Karlax and the CIA fired at the War Doctor's TARDIS, temporarily freezing it in a temporal bubble, although this was a bluff by the Doctor since he had upgraded the TARDIS shields. (PROSE: Engines of War)

A time bubble was used to stop the star in the Beart system from going supernova. The Unon had the ability to deactivate the time bubble. (COMIC: Weapons of Past Destruction)

Robert Knox' time barrier was also known as a time bubble. (AUDIO: Medicinal Purposes)

Omegon became trapped in a crimson bubble of time, into which he began drawing spaceships which he planned to use to attack Gallifrey. (PROSE: K9 and the Time Trap)

River Song's World occurred in an isolated time bubble, prior to its negation. (TV: The Wedding of River Song)