Dimension Cannon
The Dimension Canon or the Dimension Jump is a device that can travel to different dimensions by ripping a hole in the universe and hopping through the Void, at the cost of breaking the walls of the universe. It was created in Pete's World by Torchwood. Template:Device
2010(Pete's Word)
After the Cybus Cybermen left Pete's World to our universe, Torchwood developed yellow disc that can hop to another universe, which open the breach and raise the tempreture on Pete's World. After the Doctor sucked the Cybermen and the Daleks in the Void, the breach closed itself because of the amount of Void stuff.(DW:Doomsday)
2009(Our Universe)
In Pete's World, Rose, Mickey Smith and Jackie Tyler developed the Dimenson Canon that once again broke the walls of the universe to enter our unverse.
The walls of the universe eventually started closing themself, a process that the DoctorDonna calls a dimensional retroclosure.(DW:The Stolen Earth) (DW:Journey's End)
-At the Time of the Cyberman Invasion, the yellow teleport port disc wre not named.
This device would hang by someone's nick like a necklace and would teleport at the same position on the chosen world where they teleported from the other world.
-When 26 planets were stolen, the dimension canon was used, but instead of necklace, the Dimension Canon was handheld and could travel to different parts of the space, but neede to recharge for 30 minutes after each use. The Dimension canon could also measure time lines.