A map was a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea.
Scaroth claimed that one of his splinters helped the humans in making the first map of the heavens. (TV: City of Death)
The First Doctor owned an astral map. (TV: The Web Planet, Galaxy 4)
The Great British Library had a Map Room which contained a large number of maps. (TV: Face the Raven)
The First Doctor gave Nero the idea of the Great Fire of Rome by setting fire to Nero's map of his new Rome. (TV: "Inferno")
The Time Lords there the first beings to map the Web of Time. (AUDIO: Weapon of Choice)
Sabalom Glitz won a map of the lower levels of Iceworld during a card game. (TV: Dragonfire)
The Second Doctor blew up General Smythe's safe to gain access to a map of all the war zones, which they used to navigate the zones. (TV: The War Games)
The computer in Space Control was able to provide the Third Doctor with maps of every surveyed planet. However, it was unable to provide a map of London. (TV: The Ambassadors of Death)
The Brigadier had a map of the Evacuated Zone of London during Operation Golden Age. (TV: Invasion of the Dinosaurs)