From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
Clear your cache often around here
After changes are made to this site's CSS or Javascript, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. You can always do this by going to your browser's preferences panel. But many browsers also offer keyboard shortcuts to save you that trouble. The following shortcuts work in the versions of the browsers that Tardis currently supports. They may not work in earlier versions.
- Firefox: hold down Shift while performing a page reload.
- Opera offers no default keyboard shortcut, but you can create a custom keyboard shortcut with the value Clear disk cache
- Safari users should simultaneously hold down ⌘ + Option + E. You may need to enable the Develop menu first
- Chrome: press Ctrl + F5 or Shift + F5 while performing a page reload.
/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */
// This contains the April 2012 code,
// found at [[starwars:MediaWiki:Common.js]]. Grunny no longer
// keeps this code in a separate file, but it seems to be
// working just as well to have it separately as to have it
// imbedded in THIS file. Since it's fairly arcane, mundane code
// it may be better to have it out of the way in its own file.
/* =================
================= */
/* =================
jQuery version of fillPreloads
by Grunny at
================= */
function fillPreloads() {
if( !$( '#lf-preload' ).length ) {
var preloadOptionsHtml = '',
$( '#lf-preload' ).attr( 'style', 'display: block' );
$.get( wgScript, { title: 'Template:Stdpreloads', action: 'raw', ctype: 'text/plain' }, function( data ) {
var lines = data.split( '\n' );
for( var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++ ) {
var value = ( lines[i].indexOf( '-- ' ) === 0 ) ? lines[i].substring(3) : "";
preloadOptionsHtml += '<option value="' + value + '">' + lines[i] + '</option>';
$preloadOptionsList = $( '<select />' ).attr( 'id', 'stdSummaries' ).html( preloadOptionsHtml ).change( function() {
var value = $( this ).val();
if ( value !== '' ) {
value = 'Template:' + value + '/preload';
value = value.replace( ' ', '_' );
$.get( wgScript, { title: value, action: 'raw', ctype: 'text/plain' }, function( data ) {
insertAtCursor( document.getElementById( 'wpTextbox1' ), data );
} );
} );
$( '#lf-preload-cbox' ).html( $preloadOptionsList );
} );
$( '#lf-preload-pagename' ).html( '<input type="text" class="textbox" />' );
$( '#lf-preload-button' ).html( '<input type="button" class="button" value="Insert" onclick="doCustomPreload()" />' );
function doCustomPreload() {
var value = $( '#lf-preload-pagename > input' ).val();
value = value.replace( ' ', '_' );
$.get( wgScript, { title: value, action: 'raw', ctype: 'text/plain' }, function( data ) {
insertAtCursor( document.getElementById( 'wpTextbox1' ), data );
} );
/* ================
TABLE stuff
================ */
//$("tr:odd").addClass("zebra-stripe"); (adversely affects TOCs for a reason I've not yet determined)
$("table").delegate('td','mouseover mouseleave', function(e) {
if (e.type == 'mouseover') {
else {
/*globals defaults:true, window:false, $:false */
// First of all we need to detect whether browser
// supports animation natively or it needs a javascript
// polyfill.
// The detection code by the courtesy of Christian Heilmann
var animation = false,
elm = document.createElement('detect'),
animationstring = 'animation',
keyframeprefix = '',
domPrefixes = 'Webkit Moz O ms Khtml'.split(' '),
pfx = '';
if( ) { animation = true; }
if( animation === false ) {
for( var i = 0; i < domPrefixes.length; i++ ) {
if([ domPrefixes[i] + 'AnimationName' ] !== undefined ) {
pfx = domPrefixes[ i ];
animationstring = pfx + 'Animation';
keyframeprefix = '-' + pfx.toLowerCase() + '-';
animation = true;
(function ($) {
$.slowEach = function (array, interval, callback) {
if (!array.length) {
var i = 0;
function next() {
if ([i], i, array[i]) !== false) {
if (++i < array.length) {
setTimeout(next, interval);
return array;
$.fn.dissolve = function (options) {
var op = $.extend(defaults, options),
$that = $(this),
interval = op.visibleItemDuration + op.transitionDuration;
return $.slowEach(this, interval, function () {
var $this = $(this);
opacity: 1
}, op.transitionDuration, function () {
function initCarousel() {
if ($':last-child')) {
setTimeout(initCarousel, op.visibleItemDuration);
opacity: 0
}, op.transitionDuration);
var defaults = {
visibleItemDuration: 4000,
transitionDuration: 1000
$(function () {
if( animation === false ) {
$('.dissolve .item').dissolve({
// duration of an item being visible in miliseconds
visibleItemDuration: 4000,
// duration of a transition between items in miliseconds
transitionDuration: 1000
/* ================
================ */
window.ajaxPages = ["Special:RecentChanges","Special:WikiActivity","Special:Watchlist","Special:Log","Special:Contributions"];
window.ajaxRefresh = 30000
AjaxRCRefreshText = 'Auto-refresh via AJAX';
AjaxRCRefreshHoverText = 'Automatically refreshes the page';
/* ================
================ */
var ArchiveToolConfig = {
archiveListTemplate: 'ArchCat',
archivePageTemplate: 'ArchPage',
archiveSubpage: 'Archive',
userLang: true
/* ================
================ */
* SpoilerAlert
* documentation at:
* © Peter Coester, 2012
window.SpoilerAlertJS = {
question: 'This page may contain spoilers about unreleased stories. Are you sure you want to read it?',
yes : 'Hit me with your best shot',
no : 'Get me the hell out of here',
fadeDelay : 1000