Sara Kingdom: Space Security Agent was a comic story original to The Dalek Outer Space Book, a Dalek annual of the 1960s.
Sara Kingdom is sent to a world populated by Dalek Humanoids to save a kidnapped Scientist. She discovers he is being forced to create a formula for the Daleks. She rescues him.
- Sara Kingdom
- Daleks
- Lem
- Jed
- Professor Lomberg
- Planet Vara is poor of oxygen, thus it is suitable to enslave humans as Dalek humanoids.
- SSS provides Sara Kingdom with oxygen sweets.
- Sara's spaceship is disguised as a meteorite.
- Dakaro is a martial art taught in SSS.
- Mirahol is a truth drug.
- Butanic gas is a sleeping gas.
- Sara is said to have the "strength of ten men", but this point has largely been forgotten in the continuity surrounding Sara Kingdom.
- Dalek humanoids first appeared in COMIC: City of the Daleks.