Vega Station (Demontage)

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Vega Station (Demontage) was a space station popular with gamblers and art lovers of many alien races. It was created after the war between Battrul and Canvine in the neutral zone between the two. The station was run by the Battrulians and tolerated by the Canvine.

Just after the war ended and shortly after the station opened the Fourth Doctor visited the Vega Station and won millions of plaudits in the casino.

Fifty years later the Eighth Doctor, Fitz Kreiner and Samantha Jones visited in the 26th century. The Doctor briefly became the station's owner when it couldn't afford to cash his credit chip without going bankrupt. After the chip got trapped in a painting, ownership defaulted to Harris Stabilo. (PROSE: Demontage)

Irving Braxiatel won asteroid KS-159 from Hayward Denson in a card game on Vega Station. (PROSE: Tears of the Oracle)