Conall Lethbridge-Stewart

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Born 15 June 1990, Conall Wilson, who later changed his name to Conall Lethbridge-Stewart, was the son of Albert and Tamara Wilson, and elder brother of Nick and Lucy. (PROSE: The Enfolded Time) He was not the first Conall Lethbridge-Stewart, as his great-great-great-great-grandfather also bore the name. (PROSE: The Note)


He was the eldest grandson of Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart, being several months older than his cousin Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, who was born in September 1990. (PROSE: The Enfolded Time, HOMEVID: Downtime) Alistair was present at his birth. (PROSE: Scary Monsters)

Conall and Nick always behaved when their grandfather looked after them as children. (PROSE: Lucy Wilson and the Bledoe Cadets)

He was especially close to his grandfather, and would spend hours listening to Lethbridge-Stewart's stories of aliens. (PROSE: The Two Brigadiers) Over time this bond drew a wedge between Conall and his father, Albert. (PROSE: Lucy Wilson)

In 2011, Conall bought his grandfather an iPhone. (PROSE: Lucy Wilson and the Bledoe Cadets)

He was closer to Lucy than he was to Nick, and often shared the stories he'd been told. He met Dean Howard at university in 2011, and the two began dating. He was openly gay in Uni, and his mother knew, but his father did not. He visited his grandfather in November, and revealed his sexuality to him. His grandfather was not in the least bothered, as long as Conall was happy.

In December he finally changed his surname to Lethbridge-Stewart, embracing his true heritage, despite his father's objections. He wished to tell his grandfather the news, but was informed of his death by Kate Stewart before he got the chance. (PROSE: Acceptance, and then Understanding)

On Saturday 12 January 2012, Conall attended his grandfather's funeral, where he met a blonde woman in a long grey coat, and a top with rainbow stripes. (PROSE: Lucy Wilson and the Bledoe Cadets)

By November 2017, he was a lawyer living in London, and was married to Dean Howard. The two had an adopted daughter, Hannah. Conall remained in London while his parents and sister moved to Ogmore-by-Sea, Wales. (PROSE: Avatars of the Intelligence)

Conall attended several protest marches about Brexit with Nick, Gordon and Kadiatu Lethbridge-Stewart. (PROSE: Lucy Wilson and the Bledoe Cadets)

Conall, Dean and Hannah visited his family in Ogmore for Christmas 2017. (PROSE: The Christmas Cracker Conundrum!)