Carla Dalton

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In an alternate timeline in which the UK-201 never crashed on Dido, Carla Dalton was the daughter of Vicki Pallister and Jeran Dalton, together with her sister Maria Dalton. Several modifications to the timeline by Vicki created further branching timelines which affected Carla's life.


First timeline

Carla's parents met when her grandfather, Newton Pallister, was killed by a meteor shower. Jeran comforted the grieving Vicki and in later years they married, eventually giving birth to two girls, Carla and Maria.

Carla grew up to work as a medic. She left to perform humanitarian duties in Astra's Outer Provinces when they were struck by an outbreak of space plague. However, the Provinces were attacked by rebel forces and Carla was killed. Her dead body was recovered and the news was passed on to her family. Vicki was overcome with grief.

Maria, as governor, was later able to negotiate peace with the rebels. Vicki and Jeran rarely talked about Carla after her death.

Second timeline

When Vicki learned she could modify her own timeline, she travelled back to prevent Carla from leaving for the Provinces. Vicki warned Carla about the imminent rebel attack and in the ensuing argument, Carla missed her transport. Carla burst out that she would never forgive her mother, although Vicki was confident Carla would understand when the time came.

Later, the rebel attack was reported on the news. Carla called Vicki and demanded to know how she knew it would happen, although she was still not pleased with her mother for the turn of events.

Although Carla survived, the rebels gained the upper hand in the new timeline. Maria never became governor and could not negotiate peace. Carla and her family became refugees as the government was on the cusp of surrender.

Third timeline

When Vicki's attempts to save her father ended poorly, she tried to meet Jeran again and return to her family life. However, very subtle changes to the course of events meant that Carla was never born. Instead, Vicki gave birth to a boy named Carl. Vicki was horrified by the realisation that she could never see her daughter as she knew her again. This convinced her to return to the UK-201's fateful flight and allow the prime timeline to play out.

Prime timeline

After Vicki escaped the alternate timeline and return to travelling with the First Doctor, Carla never existed. Vicki, however, could still remember her experiences and chose to preserve the memory of her family. (AUDIO: The Crash of the UK-201)