Talk:Three Faces of Helena (novel)

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Revision as of 13:40, 10 February 2020 by (talk) (Continuity section)
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Continuity section

Shortly before Erimem vaguely recognises Kerides and Adrea in Alexandria, her grandfather showed them -- having the selfsame conversation -- to her in a vision. After seeing them in the flesh, Erimem makes a comment about her grandfather. It's much more likely therefore that Erimem recognises Kerides and Adrea from the prior vision than from AUDIO:Return of the Queen, which appears to occur later in Erimem's timeline (PROSE:Return of the Queen).

Note: In my paperback copy, the vision of Kerides and Adrea is on p42 & the encounter in the flesh is on p53. -- to me 13:40, February 10, 2020 (UTC)