Howling:Midnight Mysteries

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The Howling → Midnight Mysteries
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For a start:

  • Where did the entity learn the knock twice? (moreso, who did it copy it from?)
  • Why did the entity show bloodlust for and desire to kill the Doctor?
  • How did the entity get into the shuttle bus when there were was no open access?
  • How did the entity make a huge dent in the shuttle wall, tear the cabin off, and rip the seats to sheads when it was incorperal?
  • Why did the entity call itself he?
  • What was the entity's purpose?
  • How long was the entity waiting in the cold and the dark?
  • Where did the entity really come from?
  • Was the entity even born, or was it just... there?
  • At what point did the entity get trapped on Midnight, and who did it/how did it happen?
  • Who or what was the entity?
  • Is the entity still out there? (well, the Doctor answered that with fearful silence- yes.)

These are questions that haunt me whenever I think about the entity. I mean, how did it make a big dent in the shuttle, tear the cabin away, and rip the seats the shreads when it was incorperal? How did it get inside? There was no way in, but it still got inside!

Another thing someone pointed out was... the entity learnt everything it copied, right? Before they even incountered the entity, it knew how to knock twice, and it knew how to try and open doors. It had to have learnt those two knocks somewhere, or from someone- perhaps the planet had been visited before by unfortunate victims? Another thing is the creature's pleasure in having a full-blood body it can control- it refers to how good it feels to be alive again. Be alive again? It had also said it had been waiting in the cold and the dark for a very long time- not forever. If it was waiting for a long time, where was the entity before it got trapped on the cold and dark surface of the planet?

Exactly whom brought the entity into the universe, or was it always there? It does refer to once having been alive, shows lust for having a full-blooded body, and calls itself he.

I once had a theroy that the entity wasn't even born, it was just this, well, entity. Some lonely conciounness living on a palnet never touched by life. Something never born, but just waiting and waiting for someone to arive. I once heard a creepy theory here that the entity wanted bodies... the wording is creepy

Or maybe Midnight is whatever you're afraid of. Because you never see it, your imagination goes wild that it may be something you have encountered before. Sky briefly panics that "she said she'd get me!" when the knocking continues. This indicates Sky thought the entity was her-ex girlfriend, or whoever from her like, coming back for revenge, and that the entity was the individual she feared would come get her. This may mean Midnight is whoever you make it to be, its your fear of what you can't see, it is literally the unknown.

When asked by Donna what the Doctor thought the Midnight entity was, he replies that he has no idea. When asked if he believes the entity is still out there, he looks at Donna with a deadly silence, followed by her saying, "Well, you better tell them, this lot." He says the planet should be left turning in silence. Clearly, nothing should disturb the entity.

And as I said earlier, Midnight learnt by copying... then where did it learn to knock twice? Something tells me it had encountered life before, and probably killed them. As much as we can gather, the entity was male, once corperal (describing having a body as coming back to life), had encountered life at least once before, was waiting for a very long time in the cold and the dark.

The entity was also seen briefly, simply as a shadow. This unknown shadow managed to tip the bus apart... Just what is it? Probably the most mysterious, if not powerful, enemy of the Doctor yet. I believe this was the first time in Doctor Who history where the Doctor had absolutely no idea what he was up against or what it was. Now, THAT is disutrbing... the Doctor knows so much, but the Midnight entity was the one thing he didn't understand. The entity was the first thing that truly scared the Doctor. Delton Menace 04:14, January 9, 2010 (UTC)

Delton menace, two questions you still think, that the Midnight Entity, is the beast? 2.if yes is the beast or the Midnight Entity going to be the main villan in series 5?