Kenny (School Reunion)

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You may wish to consult Kenny for other, similarly-named pages.

Kenny was a school boy who wasn't very popular with the other students at Deffry Vale High School.

Physical Appearance

Kenny had white skin, and had blonde, spiky hair. He was of around average height. Kenny had a large build, and it is possible that his being overweight was connected to the medical reasons for why he could not eat the chips. However it is more likely that this was coincidental in that he was just a fat kid. Kenny wore a large school uniform and sometimes carried a backpack as a student. He wore glasses, and along with his fatness, these could have been some of the reasons for why he was unpopular. Despite this unpopularity, he does later gain popularity for "blowing up the school".


For medical reasons, Kenny wasn't allowed to eat chips and so wasn't affected by the Krillitane oil. Therefore, he was not forced to work on the Krillitane plan to solve the Skasis Paradigm in 2007. Kenny told Mickey Smith about the possessed children. Mickey agreed to help and crashed his car into the building.

Kenny helped the Tenth Doctor and his friends escape the Krillitanes when he realised that, bat-like in their natural form, they wouldn't like loud noises, so he set off the school fire alarms. Later with the school blown up, he was hailed as a hero by Melissa and the other students for his involvement in the day's events. (TV: School Reunion)