Erisa Magambo

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Captain Erisa Magambo was a female officer working with UNIT in the early 21st century.


In November 2009, Magambo was responsible for contacting Jack Harkness to discover the cause of the time fissure occurring in Cardiff. (TWN: The Undertaker's Gift)

In April 2010 she and UNIT were called out on site after the Number 200 bus had vanished into a wormhole. She, along with Malcolm Taylor, managed to get in contact with the Doctor. She was very excited by this as she, like everyone else in UNIT, wanted to meet the Doctor, even knowing that it would only happen while dealing with a major threat. When the Doctor warned UNIT that an alien swarm was intent on coming to Earth via the wormhole, she ordered Malcolm to close it even though the Doctor and the bus passengers would be trapped on the other side. When Malcolm refused, she held him at gunpoint and insisted he close it due to the danger it posed to Earth.

However, the Doctor got the bus back to safety and Malcolm closed the wormhole. Three of the Swarm gained access to Earth, prompting a code red circumstance. Magambo and her men fired on the aliens and, using a mounted rocket launcher, dispatched all three. She later thanked the Doctor and gave him his TARDIS back after UNIT found it in Buckingham Palace Garden. (DW: Planet of the Dead)

In 2013, Magambo was in charge of the clean-up operation after the Nestene invasion of Hyperville. (NSA: Autonomy)

Alternate Timeline

In an alternate timeline, Captain Magambo was in charge of a special division of UNIT, most likely the sole surviving British division in that world. She was part of the operation to remove the Time Beetle on Donna Noble's back, and with the help of Rose Tyler, she sent Donna back in time to prevent the events which would result in the Doctor's death and worldwide disasters. (DW: Turn Left)


  • "I don't believe it, guns that work!"
  • "Doctor, I salute you whether you like it or not."
  • "Now I've got three dead alien stingrays to clear up, I dont suppose you'd fancy helping with the paperwork?"