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Revision as of 16:34, 20 February 2010 by TemporalSpleen (talk | contribs)
The Howling → Serious/Comedic
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Stillnotginger 01:40, February 15, 2010 (UTC)

I noticed that many of the script writers for Series 5 are known for writing comedies. Will Matt Smith play The Doctor in a comedic manner?

There has always been comedy and jokes in Doctor Who but in the classic series there was a definite Serious/Comedic alternation to how the actors prtrayed The Doctor in relation to the audience. It is widely regarded that Hartnell, Pertwee and Davison all did the roll seriously while Troughton, Tom Baker and McCoy all played up the comedy. I don't know what the opinion of Colin Baker's Doctor is in relation to this idea and there was only the one McGann movie.

Looking at the new series I feel that Tennant fell on the serious side of the line despite many of the scripts being inhearintly funny and that Eccleston played up the comedy more than Tennant did. So will this pattern continue into the Smith era?


Most of the script writers for season 31 are the same script writers as have been writting for the show the last five years. But to answer the question, most Doctors are ptrayed both serious and comedic. Eccleston's potrayal was frequently comedic, but he also potrayed the Doctor in a very serious manner at times, too. Delton Menace 10:16, February 14, 2010 (UTC)

I think the comedy was just part of the Doctor's personality. Some Doctors were just more carefree than others, and appeared comedic. But they were all serious at times, Troughton, Tom Baker, and McCoy all had their serious moments. Just because a writer is famous for writing comedy doesn't mean they couldn't write a serious script, although it is likely to be slightly more funny than others, like some of the Douglas Adams scripts in the 70s. TemporalSpleen 16:34, February 20, 2010 (UTC)