Maxwell O'Keefe
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Maxwell O'Keefe was a rich buissness man whoowned a large number of attractions. He delighted in excitment and fun places and despised educational ones. He has a fondness of bossing people around and eating and therefore is fat.
Maxwell aquired his for tune with ease and did little work to earn it. He hired a man called Curtis Rabley to be his personal asssistantwhen he was caught trying to rob a bank. He was determined to buy the scientific Snowglobe 6 and turn it into a Winter sports amusement park in 2099. Maxwell met up with Beth Cowley, the current owner, in order to buy it. He stayed in Snowglobe 7 He soon realised Beth was keeping something secret from him and set out to find it. He travveld with Curtis to Sonwglobe 6 where the pair discoved dead bodies. They were then attacked by Gappa. Curtis bugun shooting it while Maxwell just stood still. While Curtis left elegedly to get help, Maxwell did'nt move. Unknown to him they detected movement with a echo location system. When Maxwell ran the Gappa easily caught up with him made him into a host for a growing Gappa. Maxwell was presumed dead but his body was later found by the Doctor in the Gappa's lair deep in Snowglobe 7. By this time the Gappa inside Maxwell was almost ready to hatch out. The Gappa possesed Maxwell's mind using telepathy. Maxwell attacked the Doctor but fell unconcious when the Gappa lost their hold on him. He was carried by Twelve and placed on an Anti-gravity Sled and driven by the Doctor. He was taken to the hospital where the Doctor used his mind to access the mind of the Gappa through the telepathic link. Unfortunatly Maxwell died along with the Gappa inside him.