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Revision as of 12:11, 20 June 2021 by MissRatbat (talk | contribs)


Are we that sure he's a Kaled? --MissRatbat 09:44, September 20, 2015 (UTC)

Nope there's no proof for that at all, as far as I can tell.
× SOTO (//) 12:45, September 20, 2015 (UTC)
He's not a Kaled or Thal as far as I can tell, since he doesn't have blond hair and isn't white. Kaleds have black hair and dark eyes, and Thals are blond with fair eyes. Both are white. This seems like a continuity error. Kaleds and Thals (and Mutos) are the only sentient species on Skaro, and Mutos wouldn't be soldiers and wouldn't save a Kaled child, so I'm confused.
There are dark-haired Thals (q.v. Genesis). --MissRatbat 12:11, 20 June 2021 (UTC)
There's no saying that he cannot be a Kaled, which also seems to be the most likely. --DCLM 23:10, September 25, 2015 (UTC)
The only Kaleds we had seen before were white. But it doesn't mean there weren't any black ones as well. JagoAndLitefoot 22:53, September 26, 2015 (UTC)
Thank you! Exactly my point. And nobody can say you're wrong, because nothing has ever contradicted it. --DCLM 23:02, September 26, 2015 (UTC)