Adrian Wall

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Adrian Wall is the pseudonym adopted by a Killoran who serves as head of construction on the Braxiatel Collection. Killoran names being usally impossible to pronounce by humanoids, Killorans frequently adopted pseudonyms when living or working off their planet. Most took the names of famous military or state leaders from Earth's history (e.g. Alex Thegreat, a member of Adrian's crew). Adrian got his name slightly wrong: he thought that "Adrian Wall" was a Roman general who protected Roman Britain from the Picts. (c.f. Hadrian's Wall) (BFBS: The Doomsday Manuscript)

Like all Killorans, Adrian resembles a cross between a wolf and an ape, complete with fur and fangs. Adrian is even larger and stronger than average for his race; a full eight feet tall.

Adrian Wall had a deep fixation/lust for Bernice Summerfield and slept with her, once (while unbeknownst to him, her mind had been taken over by alien sorceress Avril Fenman). (BFBS: The Squire's Crystal) This lone sexual contact led to Bernice Summerfield falling pregnant with his child. After Bev Tarrant came to the collection, he and Bev became romantically involved. Adrian remains involved in his son Peter's life.