Howling:Is the Last Great Time War a self fulfilling prophecy?

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Here is an interesting speculation i came up with having re-watched Journey's End recently.

Davros plans to use his Reality Bomb to destroy everything in the entire universe, with only the Daleks surviving. compare this to what the unnamed Time Lord says in Genesis of the Daleks: "We foresee a time, when the Daleks will have destroyed all other life forms and become the dominant creature in the universe." i dont know about you, but they sound very similar indeed. and, as the Time Lords can see all possible futures, it could well be that they predict the Reality Bomb's successful detonation in Journey's End.

Now, if we accept that the Time Lord was talking about the events of Journey's End, then we get to an interesting problem. this prophecy made the Time Lords send the Doctor back to Skaro to avert the creation of the Daleks, and act which according to various media beyond the series (books, audio plays etc) was the triggering event for the Last Great Time War. Thus, the Time Lords foresee the outcome of a war, and by trying to stop it they cause the war to happen. a self fulfilling prophecy, or, for those of you with an appreciation for Greek tragedy, exactly what happened to Oedipus.

Makes you think doesn't it?

Three things, firstly, sign your posts. Secondly, yes, it is a very intresting theory, but it belongs in the Howling forums, and thirdly, yay Oedipus! -Si Iway amway Ichamousacoricothingmabobsay. 20:45, April 10, 2010 (UTC)