Talk:Time field/Archive 1

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Poster Crack

No trick can get past me! haha! Kranitoko 20:20, April 10, 2010 (UTC)

Pandorica may be the doing of Pandorica... Maybe?

Could it? There are some similarities. Do you think that she is still alive in the corner of the mind of some Time Lord, and with the Events of the episode "End of Time" she could have escaped, somehow... Doing so it could have created the craks in time, because she was not supose to be in there, but she is so powerfull (or so vague, not living, never "existing") that entitys like the Reapers can't detect her...

But this is only my teory... But at this moment it's the only one that I like xP L Mars 23:08, April 10, 2010 (UTC)

The Black Guardian

I dont know why but I have a feeling the Black Guardian is the new ultimate enemy. Think about we havent seen the guardians in the new series though there have been suspisions about the Woman from the end of time was the White guardian so it seams appropriate they should show up sooner or later. Also in the old series the Guardians had imense power and the Black Guardian strives to create chaos and destruction. Ripping apart the universe or damaging the universe with the craks seams like something he could do easily. Its just a theory of mine so dont hate me for throwing in my 10cent.

Another Crack?

Not really worth mentioning, but watch the 3D pre-Alice in Wonderland series trailer again (starlit sky, ye olde "Doctor Who?" joke, flying through vortex with a measly three enemies that we already know about).

Before Smith and Gillian fall into the time vortex the grass physically cracks rather than just giving way. Sneaky...

Any light on to what that thing at the end is would be cool, too. 23:58, April 10, 2010 (UTC)

EDIT: Also, in the second episode towards the end, the Doctor's looking out over a beautifully CGI'd starscape and Amy hands the mask to him. It could just be me or the badly aging windows they're looking out of, but doesn't the universe he's looking at seem cracked to anyone else? 23:37, April 11, 2010 (UTC)

Story Arc - Zero

OK, so we know "silence will fall" is a dead cert for some cataclysmic universe-threatening thing in the finale, the 'Pandoricum' is going to 'open', and the story arc involves 'cracks' in the universe of which we've already seen two and the one the Doctor's monitoring. But something's linking them all together.

  • Prisoner Zero was the antagonist of the first episode.
  • The Doctor sent the number 0 throughout the entirety of 21st Century Earth.
  • The kid in the intro of the second episode (Timmy?) got a zero on some cyber-homework...
  • ...and was subsequently punished for getting on that elevator. On the display, the floor he was dropped to read "000".

...maybe? 23:34, April 11, 2010 (UTC)