Untitled (Nuke Noodle)
An unnamed strip about Nuke Noodle ran in The Dandy #3600 on the 29th September 2012, featuring a parodic appearance of the Daleks and the Eleventh Doctor. The conceit of the strip is Nuke Noodle, a hyperviolent and idiotic wrestler, has taken a time machine to look for new fights. It was written and drawn by Alexander Matthews.
The story was advertised on the cover.
Nuke Noodle hasn't visited 2012 in a whole "because everyone in 2012 has a smelly bottom" and is surprised to see there's now "talking wheelie bins" everywhere. He rips the head off Simon the Dalek and slams a binbag into it, to the dismayed horror of his best friend Colin. Before a fight can break out, the Doctor pushes past Nuke to deal with the Daleks but his endless quick talk "makes Nuke's brain cry", so the wrestler piledrives him. Colin thanks him as the Daleks have been failing at this for 900 years. The battered Doctor is dismayed to learn a "very stupid man" has a time machine, only to get thumped again.
- Simon is a yellow Dalek and Colin is a purple Dalek.
- Simon calls Nuke a "hideous Earthman".
- Simon tells Nuke that he has an "amazing haircut".
- Simon and Colin use the word "Exterminate".
to be added