Dalek time technology

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Throughout their history, the Daleks employed time travel and time manipulation technology.

Time manipulation

The Daleks employed the taranium to power the Time Destructor, a superweapon capable of reversing and accelerating the flow of time. (DW: The Daleks' Master Plan)

Time travel

Because of the nature of time travel itself, the following list details the Daleks' innovation in order of least to most advanced, rather than historical order.

Time Corriders

Throughout part of their history, the Daleks, rather than having space-time vessels as such, used devices such as the Time Vortex Magnetron (DW: Day of the Daleks) or time corridors. (DW: Resurrection of the Daleks, Remembrance of the Daleks) In one instance, a controlled Human taken over by the Renegade Dalek faction used a small time controller to direct a time corridor.

Both the Dalek Supreme, the head of the Renegade Dalek faction and Davros, the leader of the Imperial Dalek faction desired time travel of the kind already possessed by the Time Lords and sought the Hand of Omega, a Time Lord artefact which could enable this. (DW: Remembrance of the Daleks)

Even after the Time War, Daleks are still using time corridors, however, these seem much more accurate and precise than their previous counterparts.

Time Ships

The Daleks developed the DARDIS, a machine functionally similar to the TARDIS (except that, having no chameleon circuit, it could not change shape). (DW: The Chase, The Daleks' Master Plan) Eventually, it seems the Daleks did develop the time vessels which they sought. (DW: The Evil of the Daleks, BFA: The Time of the Daleks)

By the time of the Last Great Time War, the Daleks had temporal technology at least comparable to their enemy, the Time Lords, themselves. The casing of the Cult of Skaro (if not ordinary Daleks) contained the ability to effect an emergency temporal shift, making their shells in effect a small time machine. (DW: Doomsday)