Theory:SJA television discontinuity and plot holes/The Lost Boy

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This page is for discussing the ways in which The Lost Boy doesn't fit well with other DWU narratives. You can also talk about the plot holes that render its own, internal narrative confusing.

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Only Sarah Jane says they are going to Raxacoricofallapatorius - she may be unaware of this fact and assumes they are returning to their home world (or has been falsely told that they will).
  • Why would a police inspector have a confidential UNIT file on Sarah Jane -- complete with clear reference (visible on freeze-frame) to how and why UNIT was founded?
Possibly UNIT heard about Sarah Jane, or she contacted them, and they sent the file to cover for her. A Chief Inspector (his rank as given in the episode) would be cleared to see confidential documents as part of his job, also it is only a confidential version of the file. The original file may have a higher classification and this version may have sections censored or removed.
The voices of Slitheen always change when they assume a new disguise.
The impact of a meteor, while devastating to life on Earth, is nothing compared to the scope of bringing the moon colliding with Earth. He obviously needed a much larger geological impact.
  • Chrissie doesn't seem to be the least bit perturbed to see Luke back with Sarah Jane at the end of the episode. She was the one who phoned the police about Sarah Jane having Luke in the first place, so why would she not say something about her having him back?
She now knows that the story about Luke being abducted was a deception.
  • How did Mr Smith close the door, and if he could then why didn't he do that to stop, Sarah Jane, Maria and Alan when he was shooting at them earlier in the episode.
Mr. Smith has been shown to be able to produce an energy field strong enough to repel a meteor. Producing a field capable of closing a door seems likely enough, if he focuses on doing such.
  • Sarah Jane refers to Krakatoa as the most powerful volcanic eruption civilization has ever seen, but the eruption of Mount Tambora was more powerful.
  • This episode's premise is compromised in my opinion, as Sarah Jane should've realized from the start that Luke is not Ashley Stanford. In the Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? episode, when asked about Luke's whereabouts, The Trickster explains: "The Bane never came to Earth in the timeline that I have created. Luke Smith never existed." and later follows up with: "He is lost in the forgotten places, even further out than you." This is a direct confirmation that Luke and Ashley Stanford are two different people (even though Ashley is a made-up person). If they truly were the same, Luke would never go to Limbo - he would stay on Earth with Andrea and the rest since The Bane never arrived on Earth and Sarah Jane didn't adopt Luke. So if The Trickster basically confirms that Luke was made by The Bane, by literally saying that he doesn't exist if not for their invasion, and therefore cannot be Ashley Stanford, (and it is possible to deduce it even without him stating it) then why does Sarah Jane gives him back to the Slitheen anyway? As presented in the previous episode, Sarah Jane remembers everything that happened in Limbo.