User talk:Spongebob456

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FandomDesktop migration

Jerricho infoboxes on FandomDesktop (left) vs (right)
Hey, thanks for reaching out regarding FandomDesktop. Indeed, I've switched to it a few days ago. While an "official" CSS / JS adjustments wasn't rolled out, me and Scrooge have been in touch with User:Bongolium500, who, while not an admin, knows a bit of coding and was able to assist us in the meantime. All changes he performed are currently under MediaWiki:Fandomdesktop.css and MediaWiki:Fandomdesktop.js.
I haven't looked at the LightTheme, nor any templates specifically, but something I did notice is that Infoboxes in general are far longer than they used to be (see picture for a comparison on Jerricho on both skins). As one of our policies is to try and make all infoboxes not be bigger than the text they accompany, I'd put this semi-high on priority lists. I look forward helping out whereven I can on these matters. :) OncomingStorm12th 18:58, 16 July 2021 (UTC)
User:OncomingStorm12th got there before me! User:Bongolium500 has indeed been extremely helpful and much MediaWiki prep-work has already been done, notable to make sure navboxes continue displaying alright.
But a side-note: your message suggested a thread at Forum:Index — does this mean you've found a way to get the DPL Forums back up and running? I know it may take some time before User:CzechOut's project to transfer old threads to the DPL format is complete, but the sheer availability of the tools to make new threads would be extremely useful, and a very good thing to have in our arsenal at the time of migration. There's a whole, growing sandbox of new threads in need of creation. Scrooge MacDuck 19:25, 16 July 2021 (UTC)
Hello, I'd just like to say that I'm planning to make a few tweaks and fixes to the temporary CSS that I've implemented this weekend. It would be good if you could wait until after I've done these to start on any CSS edits to prevent conflicts (assuming you're planning to keep the temporary CSS: it's intended to only be temporary so will need changing eventually). As a side note, there's a bit of JavaScript in MediaWiki:Fandomdesktop.js that worked fine in my user JS but doesn't seem to work here. Do you know why this would be? Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 20:14, 16 July 2021 (UTC)
Hi folks! Thanks for getting back to me and for being enthusiastic about this, is great you've already started getting the wiki ready.
@OncomingStorm12th, thanks for the detailed update! Feel free to check out light theme (there is a toggle for this top right). What my thinking was for now was to make the background the same colour and make the content area lighter. Feel free to edit this in Special:ThemeDesigner under the light theme tab. Shall I let you have a play around with what you want light seemed to look like? I'm happy to help of course :)
@Bongolium500, can I just confirm the CSS fixes you're adding this weekend will fix the infobox issues OncomingStorm12th mentioned? I'm happy to wait re adding CSS. Can you let me know when you have added that so we can assess where we're at please? Thanks so much for your help on this!!
Re the contents of MediaWiki:Fandomdesktop.js not showing, that's due to the "Submit for review" button not being pressed. Ever since that security issue we had a while ago, each JS change needs to be manually reviewed by a JS reviewer. The user doing it now usually doesn't take too long so fingers crossed!
@Scrooge, sorry I forgot about the pending Forum:Index fixes! My understanding is there is no movement on that project at the moment and Czech won't be available yet. I think we can carry on using my talk page here unless you have another space we could use. We could try a subpage if you wanted to.
Keep the messages coming and I will do all I can to help :) --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 10:10, 17 July 2021 (UTC)
Some of the CSS changes were to fix Infoboxes (pretty much just by importing the styling used in Oasis - these really are only temporary fixes to get FandomDesktop useable). They were implemented a few minutes ago (although I'm waiting on an admin adding one small revision). I also believe that all that is needed to get Forum:Index to be functional is to allow the creation of pages in the Forum namespace by regular users. It would also be good to update {{Forums_add_box}} (it seems that type=create is currently omitted from the input boxes). {{Forums search box}} is also broken but I believe that this is out of our control. There may be more behind the scenes stuff that I don't know about but it would be good to have some very basic forums, even if we don't yet have all of the archives. Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 14:23, 17 July 2021 (UTC)
Awesome, they look great! Re Forum:Index, I'd like to wait for Czech to come back before looking into that as that is something I know he was interested in fixing.
The only fixes I can see now is light theme. If you look at First Doctor in light theme, the text stays black and can't be read. I think we can work round that by removing the color: areas of those templates, such as Template:Cleanup in the CSS. Do you agree? Do you have any other workarounds?
We could do with working on light theme as we need the wiki readable in both themes by early next week. As templates are styled in CSS, shouldn't take long. I messaged above about you all having a play in theme designer, but for templates we just need them to dispay well in a light background which we can add it later. Let me know if I can help with fixing templates for light theme, I don't want to tread on your toes though! This guide may be useful for light theme prep. :) --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 16:54, 17 July 2021 (UTC)
Is there a way to detect what theme is being used and change CSS accordingly? If not, I feel a full redesign of all colours currently used would be needed to ensure compatibility between both themes. This was something I was really trying to avoid as my design sense isn't great. It'd also probably benefit from having a community discussion (something that is hard without forums). Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 17:39, 17 July 2021 (UTC)
Hi, there is a way to use CSS to only affect light or dark theme. For example, for a .general class you can use .theme-fandomdesktop-light for light theme, and .theme-fandomdesktop-dark for dark theme. In practice, this may look like .theme-fandomdesktop-light .general { background-color:white } for example.
We are a bit late for a community discussion at the moment, we need to be ready by early next week if we can. We can do a temporary one now then do a community discussion perhaps? All we need is light theme readable as dark theme is set to the community default theme.
What I'll do is set some sort of light theme in theme designer, adjust a few templates to work with it, and then that may give you an idea of how switching themes will work CSS wise. Any questions, please let me know! --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 10:49, 18 July 2021 (UTC)
Thanks for your help, that makes sense. If you could sort out the basics that would be great. I can look at fine-tuning stuff over the coming weeks, along with the admins. Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 11:10, 18 July 2021 (UTC)
No worries! Just to confirm, were the navboxes at the bottom of articles already hard to read, even in Oasis? For example, here? I don't think I've touched any CSS to affect it. Just want to make sure I've not broken anything! --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 12:04, 18 July 2021 (UTC)
Yes, navboxes have been like that for a while. In the temporary Fandom Desktop CSS, I stripped their styling down to the bare minimum which looks a lot nicer. I'd also like to note that I'm waiting on an admin adding (hopefully) one last CSS revision to fix a few things (such as {{quote}}). Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 12:29, 18 July 2021 (UTC)
I've just seen that you made some edits to MediaWiki:Fandomdesktop.css. I'll incorporate them with my tweaks. Also, you commented the section as dark theme fixes. Did you mean light theme fixes? Most of the selectors refer to .theme-fandomdesktop-light. Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 12:34, 18 July 2021 (UTC)
Hi, you're right yes! Should be light theme fixes. As most wikis I've worked on needed a dark theme added, it was force of habit haha. Feel free to change! The only other major element I see in need of changing is navboxes. Try viewing them in Fandomdesktop compared to Oasis. When expanded, the table appears differently in light and dark themes. Do you know why/do you have a fix? :) --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 14:01, 18 July 2021 (UTC)
The only thing I can see is that some text is white and therefore not visible in light theme, which I have fixed in my personal copy of the CSS and given to an admin to add to MediaWiki:Fandomdesktop.css. Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 14:36, 18 July 2021 (UTC)
Hmm I'm seeing this on Template:Companions of the First Doctor:
Do you know how to make the navboxes display like Oasis? --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 14:44, 18 July 2021 (UTC)
Oh you're referring to that. We deliberately changed the navbox styling as the Oasis one is hard to read. The basic version that is now on FandomDesktop isn't perfect but it is an improvement. We could add it back by adding MediaWiki:Navbox.css to the import statement at the stop and removing the large navbox section currently in MediaWiki:Fandomdesktop.css but I don't think that should be done. Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 15:06, 18 July 2021 (UTC)
Oh ok that's fine! If it was intentional, all good. Any other big issues on the wiki I missed? Anything unreadable/really unsightly in light and dark themes? --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 15:22, 18 July 2021 (UTC)
The only other issues that I know of were pre-existing, not that bad and will be fixed in time. Thanks for your help! Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 15:26, 18 July 2021 (UTC)
I've thrown a light theme together in the ThemeDesigner. It's not perfect, but I think it'll serve. Scrooge MacDuck 16:57, 18 July 2021 (UTC)
@Bongolium thanks so much! Feel free to report issues to me, no worries on that. If it's ticketed, I can let you know.
@Scrooge looks awesome! Thanks for working on that, mine was made in a bit of a hurry haha.
Any more issues guys, let me know, and we're looking at migration next week. Feeling rather under the weather at the moment (not Covid related [I think!]) but any help I can offer, ping me a message and I'll do what I can. Thanks for your work this weekend :) --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 19:08, 18 July 2021 (UTC)
Hi guys, posting on this thread as I'm thinking you'll all get email notifs I hope? How're things on the wiki theme wise? Did we get everything? --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 10:31, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
Hi, I feel most things are working fine. One thing that I've noticed that needs fixing is that diffs are quite hard to read in light mode. In fact, I've found that I need to highlight some text in order to read it. I've been meaning to have a go at fixing this but just haven't got round to it yet. I'd also like to mention that I think Fandom's rebrand looks quite nice with the wiki's theme, at least for logged in users (the bright yellow for logged out users is quite eye catching which is the point I guess). Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 10:41, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
Hi, re diffs, is that something you intend to fix or did you need a hand with that? Is this relating to some CSS on the wiki or Fandom issues? Thanks for the feedback re the rebrand! Passing on now. By coincidence, the dark theme branding works super well with this wiki's dark theme. --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 13:13, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
Diffs are a CSS related issue and something I will probably fix today or tomorrow, along with a contrast issue in image licensing templates that I've just noticed. Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 13:17, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
Yep! Spotted in the wild: outsider confirmation that people like the new colours and how they work with the FANDOM-wise dark theme! Scrooge MacDuck 16:35, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
@Bongo50, ok if you need a hand with fixing please let me know! Don't want to tread on your toes, but let me know if I can help.
@Scrooge, fantastic! I have passed that on right now! Thanks! :D --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 12:33, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
I ran out of time to mention this earlier when I made the changes but I have made the CSS fixes and given them to Scrooge MacDuck, who has implemented said changes. I don't know of any other issues so, at least for now, everything's working (unless anyone else has noticed something). Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 15:45, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
Okay, no problem, thanks for letting me know! Sorry for my reply, I was on holiday last week. The new theme on the wiki looks great! If you need any help, please do let me know. Do you guys have predictions for [SPOILER]? --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 10:36, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
Ah… Sorry to go all 'admin' on you there, but our spoiler policy is really quite stringent. We can't acknowledge Certain Announcements About The Future Of Doctor Who on the Wiki until the things announced are actually broadcast — even in very vague terms. Scrooge MacDuck 11:10, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
No need to apologise! That one's on me, sorry about that! That's my brain not kicking in after a week long vacation xD --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 10:42, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
Hey guys! Not sure if you'll see this post but below a Wiki Specialist has been assigned to work on a project to look at the state of wiki themes on various wikis. They picked up something on this wiki which I'll quote below:
The yellowish gold in the fonts for the characters/cast sections for the names isn't that readable in light mode.
Is that something you want me to fix? Did you guys want to? Happy either way :) --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 06:55, 27 August 2021 (UTC)
I noticed that message but I really don't have a clue what they're referring to. I would be happy to have a look at it but I don't know what to look at. Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 08:36, 27 August 2021 (UTC)
Hmm, I can't tell either. Certain for episode articles like Planet of Giants (TV story), the links look fine in light theme? I'll check in with the Wiki Specialist and see what they say. --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 09:38, 27 August 2021 (UTC)
Dark Mode Characters Yellow Font.png

Hey guys when I said that the yellowish gold in the fonts for the cast and character make it hard to read, I meant that because the names are on the pictures, with the kind of yellow its hard to read for some. So maybe just a little bit brighter? It doesn't have to the bright yellow Fandom is using now but something a little bit more bright. Alternatively, maybe just moving the names to the bottom of the pics like you guys have done it for the crew section? Hope the screenshot helps this time around. And sorry, I mispoke and meant in dark theme, NOT light theme.Fearless Diva <staff/> 22:11, 27 August 2021 (UTC)

Ah ok, I see what you mean now. Changing the colour is something it would be best to avoid as it is a major part of the dark theme's colours. I'll have a look at moving the links below the images later today. Having said that, I'm not actually sure if we can. I have heard that CzechOut may have entered some form of agreement with BBC America meaning that we can't change the main page. I'm not sure how true this is though. Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 09:03, 28 August 2021 (UTC)
It was actually really easy to change the link positions. I did it for the 'How to Doctor Who' section as well as it suffers from the same issue. I'm not able to edit the relevant templates as they are protected so I've done it in some subpages of my user page. When copying them across to the actual templates, please keep the <noinclude></noinclude> tags as I didn't put these in my subpages so that they wouldn't get added to Category:Main page templates.
User:Bongolium500/Your New Friends needs to go to Template:Doctor Who Wiki/Your New Friends
User:Bongolium500/How to Doctor Who needs to go to Template:Doctor Who Wiki/How to Doctor Who
I think it would be good to link back to this talk page in the edit summaries. Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 16:37, 28 August 2021 (UTC)

Skin state is broken

Hey there Spongebob456, FD here and I am a Wiki Specialist working in the PQEI project which I was told you are aware of. Today Wednesday August 25, 2021 I am messaging you to inform you that skin state of this wiki is broken and needs to be fixed. Also, The yellowish gold in the fonts for the characters/cast sections for the names isn't that readable in dark mode. I am informing you of this since you are the wiki representative attached to this wiki. Please don't hesitate in letting me know how I can be of any help if necessary. Thanks!Fearless Diva <staff/> 00:23, 26 August 2021 (UTC)

Re: Fandom projects

Yes, I believe I did receive the email.

As concerns Forum links — I believe User:CzechOut still plans to bring the Special:Forum archive back online in some new format, and I assume he hopes that any links to old threads will be able to made into redirects to wherever the archived versions of those threads will be able to be consulted. Thus, if any links to the Forums remain, it is actually in our interest to keep them until then, even if they're currently redlinks. Scrooge MacDuck 12:39, 27 August 2021 (UTC)

Ditto for Scrooge's message re:forums.
As for the email, I don't believe I did, but checking my e-mail settings, it seems that I had all Fandom emails turned off, so that may be the reason 😅. OncomingStorm12th 14:57, 27 August 2021 (UTC)
Yeah I know about Special:Forum, my understanding is our cleanup of old links wouldn't break this, but I'm not 100% sure what Czech has planned with those. I'm inclined, as above, to not clean them up for the time being.
@OncomingStorm12th, hmm, email should be separate from those haha, anything in spam? --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 13:40, 28 August 2021 (UTC)

Re: questions

Hi I think it's safe to assume that there are links to old forum posts throughout the wiki. I personally have linked to forums hundreds of times in the past (and there are probably others who have also).

I probably did get the email you sent but I was on vacation last week so I can't be sure. Shambala108 22:52, 27 August 2021 (UTC)

Ok no worries! Let me know if you didn't get the email and we can sort it :) --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 13:40, 28 August 2021 (UTC)

Re Fandom Project Questions

No, I didn't receive the email, I had a look in my community profile and realised I had the 'disable all emails from Fandom' ticked, so I've been receiving no emails, I've sorted that.

As Shambala108 and Scrooge MacDuck says above there probably are links to old forums. I'd hazard a guess that there are a lot of old links around the wiki pointing to the old forums, we used them a lot to discuss things. It's an issue for the wiki because they no longer exist, and they're something we need, but cleaning them up isn't the solution we need them to exist. --Tangerineduel / talk 16:12, 1 September 2021 (UTC)

No worries re email! The Downstream is a public event anyway, but we sent admins a form to ask questions. Are you on Discord where I could send that to you?
Re forums, I agree with you and I'm not too sure how Czech has the forum backup, I'll do some digging on that. Another option is to do a wiki database dump which has the page names at least. --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 09:14, 2 September 2021 (UTC)
Reading back through my messages with Czech, I understand he already has Special:Forum content locally. --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 09:17, 2 September 2021 (UTC)

Re:Checking in

Hey, I've been good lately, how about you? Nice catch on the navigation being hard to read, I didn't really notice that much. I've experimented changing it to black and the current color, #e5c076 (which are basically all the options which more or less match the current style). I wasn't fond of the result in black, and neither am I with #e5c076 too much, tbh, but between the three, is the one that less-worse. Let me know, though, if you have another suggestion that you think might contrast better and not look too deviant of the theme.

Other than that, all is more os less fine 'round here, I think. Well, except the absence of the forums. Do you have any new insight on them that we don't? OncomingStorm12th 19:19, 4 October 2021 (UTC)

I've not been too bad lately thanks, just been out of action which is frustrating. Another option with the navigation is to - with CSS - give it a black shadow around the links. Here is an example of that. The CSS for that to go in MediaWiki:Fandomdesktop.css is:
.fandom-community-header {
    filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 3px #000) drop-shadow(0px 0px 2px #000) drop-shadow(0px 0px 6px #000);
    z-index: 100;
In my example, you would just need to change the link colour back to white in theme designer. Thoughts appreciated!
In terms of forums, I have messaged Czech about it to see what help I can offer there with implementing. Will keep you posted! :) --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 08:30, 5 October 2021 (UTC)

Oh, yes. In terms or readability, the shadow-behind-white-text it deffo the best option so far; just added a little bit of extra code, because the one you gave me also added the shadow on light mode.
Regarding the forums, thank you so much; we've been without them for a while now, so discussion have been majorly halted in this meantime. Hopefully there'll be updates for that soon(ish) :) OncomingStorm12th 18:10, 5 October 2021 (UTC)
The nav looks great! Re Forums, yeah I totally see what you mean. In terms of the plan, we have an archive of Special:Forum. Can I confirm that you're talking a version of Forum returning with the archive which will help wiki conversations resume yeah? Feels a while ago since we brought this up so just wanted to check :) --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 18:17, 5 October 2021 (UTC)
Well — if we can get the archive back online that would be ideal, but it's really getting to the point where it would be worth just activating the DPL Forums without having the archive yet. Scrooge MacDuck 18:22, 5 October 2021 (UTC)
So even if we could get DPL forums up without the archive for the time being, that would work yeah? Sounds good to me, will see what I can do. :) --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 09:16, 6 October 2021 (UTC)
Hi, if you don't mind me popping in, I've done some research into the forum situation and believe I know what needs to be done to get DPL Forums back in action. The big thing is that people can't currently create pages in the forum namespace. Once this namespace is configured to allow pages to be created, forums will be pretty much functional again. The Howling namespace (used for spoiler-allowed forums) and the Theory namespace (used for 'theory-crafting' and timeline 'forums') which both also used DPL Forums do not have this issues and so, to my knowledge, are fully functional, but not currently used in the case of The Howling. There are a handful of other issues. {{Forum search box}} is broken due to an issues with the inputbox extension that where the format for the parameters for Special:Search is different then what the extension expects. I have reported this via Zendesk but the template, to my knowledge, can't be made functional until this issue is fixed. The other issues is that MediaWiki:Allpagesnext and MediaWiki:Allpagesprev have been deleted, but this should be easy enough to rectify and only causes a small visual issue. Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 18:17, 6 October 2021 (UTC)
Thanks for this! That's really helpful and, as you say, would in theory be quite a simple fix for the non-archive version. Will see what Czech thinks on that and whether I'm able to assist there. --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 18:46, 6 October 2021 (UTC)
Well, as concerns Czech… look. You can ask him what he thinks, but it's become apparent that he hasn't been in a position to keep the deadlines he originally promised when it comes to when he's bring the archive online. Unless he can name a specific date in the near future, in which case it would maybe be worth waiting a little while longer — I really think you ought to make it clear to him that the community needs the Forums, at this point. After all these delays, his at first reasonable insistence on sorting the archive first is seriously impairing the Wiki's ability to function. Scrooge MacDuck 18:58, 6 October 2021 (UTC)
I've found another small thing that would need doing to make Forum:Index fully functional again and I thought I would let you know. {{Forumheader/Panopticon}} and {{Forumheader/Reference desk}} both use {{archive}} at the top which should be changed to {{Forumheader}}. The parameter given for {{archive}} should remain the same for {{Forumheader}}. Bongo50 (aka Bongolium500) 14:42, 10 October 2021 (UTC)
Hi, many thanks! I've noted that for when we make a start.
@Scrooge - Sorry I'm late replying, I've brought it to Czech's attention and I know he does still intend to do it, but I can't give a specific date at the moment sorry. I have made clear the community needs it to get community discussions up and running to help the wiki function. I'll keep this on my radar and do regular check-ins with Czech on it. Apologies! --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 16:21, 10 October 2021 (UTC)

On your About,

You're going to Spongebob wiki! The preceding unsigned comment was added by Scamblescamblescamble!!! (talk • contribs) .

Re: Updated policies

Thank you for bringing this to my attention! With the deadline approaching, I've done my best to update Help:I'm blocked, Tardis:Local rules prevail (now renamed to Tardis:When do local rules prevail? for clarity), and Tardis:Guidelines for administrators (as well as the Wiki navigation) to bring them fully in-line with the specifications of this "Wiki Rules and Blocking Policy". I think everything is now "WRaBP-compliant" (although perhaps there are small details elsewhere that could be hammered out in time — another thing to earmark for when we have functional Forums again…). Scrooge MacDuck 19:16, 3 April 2022 (UTC)


Czech's involvement would always be welcome! I think we were planning on going to him later, right now we seem to be at the consensus building stage. But if he wishes to hop in prior to that there's certainly no reason for him not to. Najawin 21:21, 18 October 2022 (UTC)

We'll definitely try to notify Czech. It would be great to hear his thoughts on this. That being said, as User:NateBumber noted on Najawin's talk page, this isn't really something that needs Czech's approval, much as it would be welcome. A consensus is forming with or without him, and from what he has said of his current plans it doesn't seem like it would actually throw any spanners in the work he's planning to do on the Archives eventually. I am definitely of a mind that we should try to go forward with this without him if he doesn't have the time/energy to get involved within a reasonable span of time. Scrooge MacDuck 20:03, 20 October 2022 (UTC)
I was leaving a comment at User talk:CzechOut#Forums discussion while Scrooge was writing that, so there's a bit of redundancy there. I think we'd all love his comments on the topic. Najawin 20:10, 20 October 2022 (UTC)
Hi both! Just to say, I wasn't necessarily referring to 'approval', rather 'input' and any ideas Czech has. How's progress going on enabling DPL forums? Is that discussion on how to do it still ongoing? --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 14:47, 22 October 2022 (UTC)
There's currently a discussion at Forum talk:Index (moved there from Tardis talk:Temporary forums). Unless I'm forgetting someone, everyone who has commented so far is in favour of restoring DPL Forums. In terms of the technical stuff that needs doing, I made a list in one of my comments. Bongo50 16:44, 22 October 2022 (UTC)
Ok great, so is the status is everyone is ready to enable them without the archive? It's just the technical stuff that needs doing? --Spongebob456 talk <staff/> 13:12, 23 October 2022 (UTC)

Welcoming new users

Hey Spongebob, how are things on your end? User:Najawin pointed out to me that User:FANDOM isn't welcoming new users since the end of 2020. I don't know whether the bot has been officially retired, or if there's some sort of bug going on, but I thought it best to ask either way. Hopefully it's something that can be easily fixed, as it was a really useful bot to have around. OncomingStorm12th 15:48, 22 October 2022 (UTC)