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Howling:River Song is a....... MAJOR SPOLIERS!!!

The Howling
Revision as of 16:16, 25 April 2010 by Lu-igi board (talk | contribs)
The Howling → River Song is a....... MAJOR SPOLIERS!!!
There be spoilers about un-released stories here.
Run back to the forums if you're scared.

This content has been found on (see below) and is a major spoiler and is an official statement into what happens in the Time of Angels and to who River Song is. The Statement is as follows:

[River has] been in prison for a long time for murdering somebody… She [has] killed ‘the best man she ever knew’. River is allowed to leave prison because her archaeological expertise is needed to confirm that a piece of art in a collector’s hands is a Weeping Angel. She thinks it’s a Weeping Angel rather than just a sculpture, but she needs the Doctor to confirm it. There’s a party in a spaceship where the statue is being held and everybody seems to be in 1940’s outfits. The Doctor, Amy and River [get] stuck in a forest, with Weeping Angels peeping out from behind trees. These Angels are much more frightening than before. It’s terrifying. River has a book that contains images of all the Doctors and their adventures, past and future. It’s also the map of their relationship, but he’s not allowed to see it! At the end of the two episodes, the Doctor asks if he can trust her. River Song says, “Yes, you can, but what would be the fun in that?”

The content was found on here

So what do you think??? There is many speculation on the blog of the website indicating that she meets the 12th Doctor and kills him and then meets the previous incarnations. So could she be the person who finishes it for the last regernation of the doctor??? -- Michael Downey 14:02, April 22, 2010 (UTC)

When I read the last bit a part of me died. HOW RIVER. HOW?! But i would hate that to happen. Well maybe she didnt kill him. It wont be the way I think she will kill him. BUT I dont want that to happen. Ahh I trusted and loved River Song from the start, but after reading that I just font trust her now. lol Im getting into this too much now. 19:16, April 22, 2010 (UTC)

Does 'the best man she ever knew' necessarily have to be the Doctor? And with a tendancy for the Doctor to remain unknown for the good deeds he has done to the general public, would 'killing him' actually result in imprisonment --Samoth 20:30, April 22, 2010 (UTC)?

Seems unlikely now we know the best man taught her to fly the TARDIS and not the Doctor 10:01, April 25, 2010 (UTC)

No, we know that she "learned from the best", and that it wasn't the Doctor. But that just means that her flying instructor was the best TARDIS pilot/instructor, not that he was the best man she ever knew. The two _could_ refer to the same thing, but there's absolutely no reason they have to.

Also, there's not "many speculation" about River killing the 12th Doctor; there's just one guy throwing it out there and then following up with a bit more explanation after two other people criticized the idea.

Anyway, the question as to whether she killed the Doctor or someone else is still as wide open as it was before the episode. But my suspicion is that it's someone else. My crazy Jack Harkness theory from another thread is starting to grow on me... but actually, I think it's more likely it'll be someone we don't know yet, and that someone will have nothing to do with her learning to fly the TARDIS (or to write Old High Gallifreyan). --Falcotron 11:22, April 25, 2010 (UTC)

What i got from the episode dialogue when she was flying the TARDIS is when she told him 'you were busy that day' meant that she was refering to the 12th Doctor teaching her, and just didnt want to mention it to freak 11 out. 13:50, April 25, 2010 (UTC)

Possibly. The last time they met (for him, and for us), she gave him all kinds of hints related to future Doctors--"have we done the crash of the Byzantium?", the sonic screwdriver, the diary, the secret she whispered in his ear--those are all things that happened with (at the very least) the 11th Doctor. However, since these are happening for her out of order (maybe in reverse order, but with only two examples, it could only be forward or backward, not shuffled...), maybe in the Library she knows that she doesn't have to be so careful about freaking him out, while in the Maze she isn't yet sure of that. --Falcotron 14:24, April 25, 2010 (UTC)

Another thought--this doesn't seem too likely, but it's not impossible.

Remember when there were rumors from the press about Alex Kingston being the 11th Doctor? At the time, a bunch of fans speculated about how that would explain (almost?) everything about River Song from the Library--why she has a sonic screwdriver, knows his future, knows his name, etc. That would mean she's deliberately keeping things from her earlier self, but that could be with good reason. The flirting with her earlier self is weird, but not impossible (and the bit about two heads in this episode fits in pretty well). The fact that there's an information paradox (e.g., she tells her former self he can open the TARDIS doors by snapping, but the only reason she knows that is that her future self told her, back when she was him.

None of those are unanswerable objections. But there's one that does seem to be: If River Song were the 11th Doctor, and she died and lived on only in a virtual reality, that's a serious problem for the existence of the 12th and 13th Doctors.

But if she's the 13th Doctor, rather than the 11th, that problem goes away.

Unfortunately (I may have to watch it yet again...), unlike the Library episodes, I'm pretty sure there's stuff in this one that can't be explained by River being a future Doctor not telling us the whole story....

And, as I said, it doesn't seem to likely anyway. But worth bringing up, at least. --Falcotron 14:42, April 25, 2010 (UTC)

does anybody else think that River could be a timelord? Maybe one of the well known female timelords from the old series?

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