Theory:Doctor Who television discontinuity and plot holes/School Reunion

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You are exploring the Discontinuity Index, a place where any details or rumours about unreleased stories are forbidden.
Please discuss only those whole stories which have already been released, and obey our spoiler policy.

This page is for discussing the ways in which School Reunion doesn't fit well with other DWU narratives. You can also talk about the plot holes that render its own, internal narrative confusing.

Remember, this is a forum, so civil discussion is encouraged. However, please do not sign your posts. Also, keep all posts about the same continuity error under the same bullet point. You can add a new point by typing:

* This is point one.
::This is a counter-argument to point one.
:::This is a counter-argument to the counter-argument above
* This is point two.
::Explanation of point two.
::Further discussion and query of point two.

... and so on. 
  • When Mr. Wagner tells Luke that he has extra class, he is followed by Melissa, not Luke.
Luke may have been Melissa's last name, and the teacher is using it in a derogatory way since she will come either way.
  • At the start of the episode, Lassar assumes bat form to devour a child. He later tells the Doctor that while his brothers remain in bat form, with a morphic illusion giving them the appearance of humans, while implying that his own human form is real (a personal preference).
There may have been a second krillitane in the room. After he closes the door, we lose sight of him. A moment later, the shadow bat-like image is seen through the small window. It cannot be clearly stated whether he transformed into the image, or if it was another Krillitane already in the room.
  • If Sarah was investigating the school, like the Doctor, to discover what was going on after the lights and all the staff being replaced, why was she so openly asking question to the Doctor under his guise as "John Smith". If the staff are all being replaced recently surely meeting a stranger (with an ambiguously genuine name) who had only just started also would ring some alarm bells yet she very openly starts asking questions suspiciously having only just been totally sycophantic to Mr. Finch.
As indicated, this is because he is brand new and presumably therefore less likely to be part of any conspiracy surrounding the headmaster.
  • It's very unlikely that a hundred papers would be flying out after the school blow up, especially ones that arn't burnt.
It is quite likely that the heat of the explosion in one area of the school would cause papers in other parts of the building to blow out the windows.
  • How can what appears to be a state school introduce a new curriculum when all state schools have to follow the national curriculum?
Exceptions to the rules always exist.On the surface, the school may appear to be following the national curriculum.)
  • Why don't the dinner ladies just put a proper lid on the oil barrel before moving it? (Perhaps the oil required ventilation. They may not have thought about it at the time.
  • Why does Sarah have K9 in her car, given that he's non-functional to the extent that the Doctor takes an hour to repair him enough to switch him on. Also, why was K9 in the car rather than the boot the next day when he wasn't even switched on?
She was waiting for the Doctor to return. She may also have taken him along a bit like a security blanket type thing, - making her feel more like the doctor.
  • When Mickey goes to pull out the plug when the kids are on the computers, before he does it shows the kids and they are wearing headphones but as soon as he unplugs it, it cuts straight to the kids who arent wearing them any more. There is no way they could have taken them off in a split second from when he took the switch out to it cutting to them.
There is sufficient time in between to do so, which they would be likely to do given that there is a strange man there yelling instructions at them.