Talk:Midnight entity

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Okay, trying to make sense of this. I'm going to try and not overassume, stick to what happens and what the characters say.

We know pretty much anything living would be vaporized outside. When Sky "awakes" she keeps mentioning feeling, breathing, pain, body heat etc. This creature seems to want a host because it can't get any of that outside. To me, that would sound like a spirit, with no physical form. How did it cut off the drivers or knock on the ship though; at a guess, it can possess midnight's diamonds in some form (explaining why no one could see anything when looking outside, it was just "something moving").

It is most likely some sort of spirit/psychic parasite thingy, but it could also have a physical body, but be a radically different form of life (hence the not breathing, feeling, having body heat, etc.) So then it was physically hitting the bus.

It starts focusing on the Doctor as soon as he starts freaking out, keeps repeating "If you want to get out of here, you need me". Getting the Doctor thrown out was probably just an act of "defense". What would have happened otherwise would probably be some sort of contagion through the entire ship. The creature finds a host, contaminates another (freeing the former), which in turn is passed on to another and so on.

Or it just didn't like the Doctor or it doesn't realise that the outside is fatal for everyone else or it seemed like a good idea at the time or it has a radically different thought pattern and therefore doesn't have human-like reasons.

Capillotracted theory: The creature wants bodies. Since, when it's thrown out, the Doctor is released and fine it's probably a single entity able to control multiple bodies. As I said above, it seems to want to be able to feel, move, ... what more than having multiple bodies to do so?

If it wants multiple hosts, then it wouldn't want to throw one of its hosts out.

Less-freaky-but-still-very-creepy theory: It's never seen humans before; when coming upon the ship, it stopped it and took some time to observe everyone's reactions. Instinctively, when attacking, it would go for the entity that's most afraid. Taking control of their brain would also make it learn and the first thing it finds is fear, paranoia. Instinctively again, it would seek even more of it and create a creep effect.

If it's never encountered humans before, why would it chose to go after one emotion over another?

As for why the entity being controlled can't move (but isn't completely paralyzed), I have no idea; probably just to add to the "plain weird".

Otherwise the potential hosts will make a run for it.

I'll watch this episode a few times more later on and maybe give more thoughts into it. I'd like some other opinions about it though, it's an intriguing creature even though it seems like we'll never see it again. Adys 06:52, 20 March 2009 (UTC)

The thing about the Midnight Entity is that is was specifically created to be mysterious. It's really not a good idea to try to explain this creature, since it was intended to be unexplainable. -<Azes13 17:38, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

The Master

Do you think it is possible that the Midnight Entity could be the Master?(Slideshow Bob 20:29, 28 April 2009 (UTC))

Doubt it, considering they almost nothing in common. -<Azes13 03:05, 29 April 2009 (UTC)

Thats not entirely true, it has much in common with the master, for one it hates the doctor, and in the tv movie with the 8th doctor he became the morphant entity wich could posses others, it is possable that the entity is the master between the movie master and professor yana, basicly within the masters own timeline but not within the doctors. This entity could have survived and become the Yana master. Now this is a wild idea but we are talking about Doctor Who, with time travel logic it is entirely possable this thing is the master. and the creature cold have mutated and survived under the rays of midnight.

I think it is possible that the Midnoght Entity could actually be the master,, this is what i think could happen in the End of Waters of Mars, The Midnight entity could return to possess Ood Sigma, and the Ood could develop the red eye when possesed by the Midnight Entity. after that the Ood could actually reveal itself to be The Master and in some way the Ood Sigmas Body could change into John Simms body 21:49, 20 May 2009 (UTC)

Right. Have you been standing in a garden of Epileptic Trees, mate? --Cartoonmoney 20:54, 14 August 2009 (UTC)


I was kind of wondering where anyone actually says its called the Midnight Entity. There probably is somewhere, I was just wondering. If there isn't, I think Midnight Creature is a better name because people seem to refer to as this out-of-universe. Even if someone has confirmed it, I think that it should be 'Midnight entity' instead of 'Midnight Entity' because entity is very rarerly spelled with a capitol. (Unless, of course, if it is at the start of a sentence). I'm A Hydroponic Tomato! Bigredrabbit 05:44, November 30, 2009 (UTC)

I usually call it 'the entity' when in company that knows the context (or elaborate 'the entity from Midnight' if they don't) or, when in company that knows what I'm talking about if I'm clear, 'the Midnight entity'. How about renaming the page Entity (Midnight)? --Cartoonmoney 07:09, November 30, 2009 (UTC)
Creatures are counted as animals here and the Midnight Entity doesn't seem to be an animal. Entity is a vague term for something and the Midnight Entity is pretty vague. Entity (Midnight) would imply that there's more than one and this is the one from Midnight, or that there's more than one thing called Entity and this is the one from the Midnight episode.
Anyway, the page probably should be moved to Midnight entity. -<Azes13 15:01, November 30, 2009 (UTC)


I think that, seeing as it's a creature of sorts, it should have a Species InfoBox, not an Individual one. I'm A Hydroponic Tomato! Bigredrabbit 05:46, November 30, 2009 (UTC)

They only encountered the one, therefore it's an individual. Unless there's shown to be more than one, it keeps the Individual Infobox. -<Azes13 15:01, November 30, 2009 (UTC)
Theoretically, it could have a "species" identifier on its infobox, with the answer being an obvious "Unknown". --ChrisK 07:30, May 5, 2010 (UTC)