Game Operations Manual (reference book)

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The Game Operations Manual was one of the three books included in the original September 1985 FASA Doctor Who Role Playing Game Game Box Set, alongside The Player's Guide and A Sourcebook for Field Agents. It was largely devoid of fictional content, instead serving as a guide for a prospective game-master on how to design original adventures, characters, monsters and so on. However, it did end with a dossier on the mechanics of time travel and TARDISes.


  • Introduction for Gamemasters
  • Designing Adventures
    • Encounters, Scenarios, and Campaigns
    • Steps in Adventure Scenario Design
    • Making Designs Fit
    • Adventuring on New Worlds
    • Alien Life
    • New Civilizations
    • Designing Detailed NPCs
    • Quick NPC Design
  • Presenting Scenarios
    • Seeing The Picture
    • Creating Vibrant Descriptions
    • Using Game Aids
    • Stretching the Design
    • O.D.-ing On Technique
  • Judging Character Creation
    • Choosing A Race
    • Determining Special Abilities
    • Creating Endurance Statistics
    • Acquiring Skills
    • Determining Personality Traits
    • Determining Appearance
  • Judging the Action
    • The Interaction Matrix
    • Using The Matrix
    • Judging Variable Success
    • Success Rolls And Hidden Success
  • Judging Challenge
    • Automatic Success in Routine Use
    • Saving Rolls For Specific Attributes
    • Skill Rolls For Specific Skills
    • Saving Rolls For Special Abilities
  • Judging Confrontation
    • Using Attributes
    • Using Skills
    • Using Special Abilities
  • Judging Combat
    • Determining Ability Entry Line
    • Determining Task Entry Line
    • Determining Success
    • To-Hit Sequence
    • Determining Damage
  • Judging Movement
    • Tactical Movement And Action Point Use
    • Saving Rolls in Tactical Movement
    • Judging Large-Scale Movement
  • Judging Injury, Medical Aid, and Death
    • Injury
    • Medical Aid and Healing
    • Death and Regeneration
    • Disease and Poison
  • Judging Time Travel
    • Theory of Space/Time Travel
      • Hyperspace Travel
      • Casualty and Fluid Time
      • Alternate Time Lines and Time Loops
      • Exceptions, Exemptions, and Escape Clauses
    • The Nature of Space and Time
      • The Vortex
      • Connections Between Universes
  • Judging TARDIS Use
    • TARDIS Construction
      • Architectural Configuration System
      • Rest Weight, Rorm, And Inertia
      • Chameleon Circuit
      • Temporal Invulnerability
      • The TARDIS Key
      • Model And Type Variations
    • Making Space-Time Jumps
      • Time Space Travordinates
      • Jumps And Misjumps
      • Materialization
      • Microjumps
      • Gallifreyan Absolute Time
      • Travel Time
    • TARDIS Systems Operation
      • Safety Devices
      • Secondary Systems
      • Medical Facilities
    • TARDIS Systems Damage
      • Definition of Terms
      • Judging Damage
      • Judging System Repairs
  • Judging Equipment Use
    • Personal Equipment
    • Weapons
    • Medical Equipment
    • Miscellaneous Hardware and Robots