Theory:Torchwood television discontinuity and plot holes/Dead Man Walking

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You are exploring the Discontinuity Index, a place where any details or rumours about unreleased stories are forbidden.
Please discuss only those whole stories which have already been released, and obey our spoiler policy.

This page is for discussing the ways in which Dead Man Walking doesn't fit well with other DWU narratives. You can also talk about the plot holes that render its own, internal narrative confusing.

Remember, this is a forum, so civil discussion is encouraged. However, please do not sign your posts. Also, keep all posts about the same continuity error under the same bullet point. You can add a new point by typing:

* This is point one.
::This is a counter-argument to point one.
:::This is a counter-argument to the counter-argument above
* This is point two.
::Explanation of point two.
::Further discussion and query of point two.

... and so on. 
  • If Owen cannot breathe, as he realises in this episode when he fails to resuscitate Henry Parker, then he shouldn't be able to speak. Owen also claims that he has no sense of feeling. This presents numerous inconsistencies, for example the fact that he can speak also presents a problem here. Anyone who has had a local anesthetic for a filling will know how unclear speech can be with a numbed mouth.
Owen was revived by alien technology. It is possible that his current state allows him to speak in a manner which doesn't rely on the normal elements of human speech.
  • Owen can be clearly seen breathing on occasions throughout the episode? The technology which has revived Owen is alien and largely unexplained.
For Owen to have the outward appearance of respiration without the sensation and chemical processes thereof would be consistent with the unpleasant state he finds himself in.
  • In a modern crash cart and life support system such as that by Parker's bedside, there is a air bag to use as doctors in the hospital do not use mouth to mouth.
This could be a mistake on the part of Parker's medical staff.