Battle for Alvega

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The Battle for Alvega took place when the Daleks, having achieved space flight, created their fleet and attempted to conquer Alvega, the planet closest to Skaro. When the native plant life, the Amarylls, retaliated, the Daleks engaged them in battle and almost lost.

First, the fires caused by the landing ships alerted the Amarylls to the Daleks' presence. Scout Daleks were sent out using fire-rays to clear a path when the Amarylls contacted their Controller deep within the core of the planet. Told to attack, the Amarylls blew seeds at the Daleks, which proceeded to grow and strangle and overcome the Daleks.

One Amaryll had been captured and studied by the Daleks when it told them they would never fall to the Daleks. At that point Amarylls began to attack the Daleks ships when the Dalek Emperor ordered lift-off. As the main fleet continued on to other worlds, four ships stayed behind to scorch the planet. This was successful, and most Amarylls were burned. Three ships landed and began to build a city while one searched the planet.

The Controller made a counterattack by commanding an Alvega Earthworm to attack the three ships. It crushed them, and when the fourth ship saw this, it devised a plan to attack the Controller. Using excavation drills, the ship burrowed into the ground until it came under attack by the worm. The ship was crushed and the Daleks, having killed the worm, were trapped underground.

They made their way to the core, being crushed and covered by cave-ins and falling debris until only one Dalek remained. When it reached the Controller, it attack and destroyed the Controller, which caused the planet to explode. The Emperor, observing this from the fleet, decreed that whatever the Daleks could not conquer, they would destroy. (TV21: The Amaryll Challenge)