User:SOTO/Forum Archive/The Drax Cave/@comment-188432-20130108231223/@comment-188432-20130202153336

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User:SOTO/Forum Archive/The Drax Cave/@comment-188432-20130108231223/@comment-188432-20130202153336 By the way, if anyone out there is wondering why I have "allowed" navigation boxes to remain unreadable for such a long time, it's because there are other issues affecting navboxes that need to be addressed simultaneously. Beyond the question of illegible colouring — which is easy to fix — the boxes are too sensitive to size of input (i.e., number of characters in an entry). {{DWTV}} has been broken since October 2011 because it can't accommodate the length of The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe. That's now bubbled to the top of the fix list, so hopefully I'll have navboxes back in use again today or tomorrow. In the meantime, {{DWTV}} will intermittently display various incomplete or inaccurate lists of episodes.