User:SOTO/Forum Archive/The Panopticon/@comment-2162194-20130713192557/@comment-5918438-20160126040514
I can confirm that "hir" is used consistently for all Sloathes, at least in Sky Pirates!. But we don't know what might be used as a subject. (In the real world, "ze" tends to accompany "hir".) But we definitely do know /hir/hir/hirself. So it/it/its/itself is wrong for a member of this species, as is he/him/his/himself.
The book seems to avoid referring to them (members of this species) as the subject of a sentence without saying their full names. So, rather, than assuming "ze" is correct, it's probably just best to follow suit and avoid using that kind of pronoun for these characters, sticking to hir and hirself. "Sgloomi Po found hirself on..."
If it's absolutely necessary to use such a pronoun in a sentence, ze, I think, should be used, as grammatically it tends to accompany the hir pronoun.