Occasionally, elements of the Doctor Who universe are referenced in the broader popular culture. This page exists to throw a spotlight on some of these casual references made in television, comics, films and other media which happened during the 1960s.
- The script for the James Bond film Thunderball (1965) had Bond saying "The Daleks have taken over!" as a humorous response to a crisis. However, the line was changed to "Somebody's probably lost a dog".
- The Daily Mail cartoon "The DeGaullek" (25 November 1964) by Leslie Gilbert Illingworth was a satirical political cartoon of Charles de Gaulle as a Dalek.
- A May 1964 strip of The Flutters had a scientist showing his Dalek that was half finished when "Dr. Who got in with it first on the telly".
- A Daily Mail cartoon by John Musgrave-Wood (19 December 1964) featured a kid dressed as a Dalek who exterminated his father.
- A London Evening Standard cartoon by Raymond Jackson (7 January 1965) featured the filming of The Web Planet when a cameraman says "The thing on the left just ate Dr. Who!"
- Circa 1965, a Daily Mail cartoon by Stanley Franklin showed two Daleks painting "Keep Monsterland White" in response to the presence of Zarbi. An onlooker say the Daleks are "stirring up trouble again".
- In 1965, The Perishers had two strips of the kids wearing Dalek costumes made out of dustbins.