Material (Henry Van Statten)

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Revision as of 19:34, 12 August 2023 by Epsilon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In his collection of alien artefacts, Henry Van Statten owned scraps of a '''material''' that nobody could identify. In an interview hosted by Mickey for his website in early 2006, Henry Van Statten mentioned that he owned this material as well as a curiously heavy rock. (PROSE: {{cs|Henry Van Statten (short story)}}) Category:Van Statte...")
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In his collection of alien artefacts, Henry Van Statten owned scraps of a material that nobody could identify.

In an interview hosted by Mickey for his website in early 2006, Henry Van Statten mentioned that he owned this material as well as a curiously heavy rock. (PROSE: Henry Van Statten [+]Loading...["Henry Van Statten (short story)"])