
From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
Revision as of 10:04, 22 April 2007 by (talk)
Also known as: the Annoying Frivolous Grammar Pedant
Race: lab results still pending
Home: Sun's Root Sub-Conurb (East)
Home Era: Year 19
Heisei Era

Not quite sure what to put here yet, but someone suggested I should write it anyway.

I am the sworn enemy of bad grammar (particularly rogue apostrophes) and will ruthlessly destroy any that crosses my path. (Hey, it's a point of professional pride for me.)

I look forward to answering your complaints.

List of Stuff I've Originated or Heavily Rewritten

  • Aliases of the Master - If, after all this memory-intensive work, I still go senile I shall be highly annoyed. Well, as annoyed as a senile person can be. By the way, how long do you reckon it'll be before someone sticks a big spoiler in here? :)
  • Andrew Hunt - our families lived in the same house you know, not at the same time of course
  • Argolis - just written so I could re-use the Xxbrmm gag
  • Armageddon Convention - dunno why I bothered as I haven't even read the book, I just thought it was a one-line thing in Revenge of the Cybermen - I don't know, is there any casual reference from the 70s that hasn't had a 200-page novel written about it by Andy Lane, Gary Russell, or (God help us) Craig Hinton? So much for subtlety and a sense of mystery in the mythos. I knew we were on the slippery slope when they started 'revealing' the names of characters like the Monk and the Master - fine, why not tell us the Doctor's name while you're at it? Peasants. I should drink less coffee.
  • Blake's 7 - now here's a show crying out for its own small but perfectly formed wiki!
  • Bowship
  • Celestial Toymaker - quite surprised no-one else got there first
  • Daleks of Human Origin - No, I couldn't think of a snappier title, and believe me I tried.
  • Dalek Prime
  • Dalek weaponry - giving full reign to my inner geek
  • Death's Head - the TARDIS version anyway
  • E-Space
  • Everybody dies!
  • Goodge - just written for the boiled egg gag
  • Gunstick - originally part of Dalek weaponry, but, you know...
  • Humanised Dalek - you start just by adding a bit on the power sources of Dalek casings, and the next thing you know...
  • Inconsistencies and Retcons in the Doctor Who Universe - brace yourself for a prolonged spat over the definition of 'retcon'...
  • Jubilee Pizza - enjoyed writing this inordinately. They've probably taken all the jokes out by now...
  • Miniscope
  • N-Space - am I allowed to say that I think that some of the amendments other people have made to this and E-Space aren't necessarily improvements? Hey ho - live by the wiki, die by the wiki...
  • Non-interference policy - another one that grew in the writing
  • Psychic - a low-quality job but its absence was annoying me.
  • Randomiser - hurrah! Found out what happened to Compassion's randomiser!
  • Real world interface - tongue drifting ever-so-slightly into my cheek in some parts of this article
  • Runcible
  • Riverfruit - possibly the most important fruit in Dr Who's 18th season
  • Robert Holmes - the Main Man
  • Sandminer robot - if you know what SASV-1's name actually meant then please amend this accordingly
  • Sato Katsura - obscure and Japanese, so right up my dori
  • Sevateem
  • Spiridon - largely written for the invisibility gags
  • Staser
  • TARDIS scanner
  • Time Lord-Vampire War
  • Tissue Compression Eliminator - oh dear, these last two make me look like a Time Lord gun nut