Looney Tunes (series)
Looney Tunes is a multimedia franchise which began with various animated short films starting in 1930. The series was created by Leon Schlesinger, Hugh Harman, and Rudolf Ising, and later gained adaptations across various types of media, including a series of comic strips titled The Bugs Bunny Show in TV Comic.
The series stars a great variety of characters, including Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam.
The subseries The Bugs Bunny Show had at least one crossover with the Doctor Who universe within the pages of a TV Comic holiday special.
This crossover occurred in 1970, with the release of the TV Comic Holiday Special 1970, featuring the game TV Terrors Autograph Hunt which featured the titular "TV Terrors" (from TV Terrors) travelling the board in search of autographs. Late into the game, one or more of the TV Terrors may find that Yosemite Sam is chasing Bugs Bunny. Shortly prior to this, they may receive Dr. Who's autograph.
References to Looney Tunes in the Doctor Who universe
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References to the Doctor Who universe in Looney Tunes
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Other connections
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