"Worm" (insult)

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You may be looking for the Earth creature.

The term "worm" was an epithet or insult.

Saphadin called El Akir a "vile worm." (TV: The Crusade [+]Loading...["The Crusade (TV story)"]) Styre called the Fourth Doctor "worm." (TV: The Sontaran Experiment [+]Loading...["The Sontaran Experiment (TV story)"]) Morbius called the Time Lords "pallid, devious worms." (TV: The Brain of Morbius [+]Loading...["The Brain of Morbius (TV story)"]) Romana called the co-pilot a "despicable worm." (TV: The Horns of Nimon [+]Loading...["The Horns of Nimon (TV story)"]) The Seventh Doctor called Ishtar "a pitiful little worm." (PROSE: Timewyrm: Genesys [+]Loading...["Timewyrm: Genesys (novel)"])