Tardis:Guide to writing Individuals articles

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Revision as of 16:46, 3 June 2010 by Tangerineduel (talk | contribs) (moved Format for Individuals to Tardis:Format for Individuals: moving to correct name)
Stand well clear, Jo!

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This is a tutorial for writing entries for individual characters. If you have any comments or suggestions, please put them on the discussion page. Please do not make changes to this page! Instead, tell us what changes you think should be made on the discussion page. Thank you.

This is a general outline and tutorial on the style for adding entries to the Doctor Who Wiki TARDIS Index File's character/individuals of Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures and K9 (TV series). Note that this is only a guideline, and you should only attempt to enter information that you know, and not feel obligated to fill in every section.

Basic requirements

At the very least, an article should have a basic behind-the-scenes description of the character and profile, the correct template(s) (see below) and an image from a story of the character. Please do not attempt to do a article if you are unable to provide these. Please also, if you do not have the necessary information or time to complete any of the other headings or sub-headings listed below, it is far better to simply leave them out all together than to leave them empty or place such phrases as, "To be added" underneath. Just do the basics mentioned above if you can, then make a note on the discussion page of what other things need to be added. By the very nature of a wiki, someone will eventually come along to complete those parts. No one here is expected to go it alone.

Article intro

  • First comes the infobox. The infobox summarizes the most basic information on each character for quick and easy reference. Simply insert the template for this item in the page, then fill in the information.
  • The infobox is followed by a basic behind-the-scenes description of the character. This is the first item of actual text in the article, and will appear to the left of the infobox.



  • The Biography' is the detailed section of the character life. This should be written in paragraphs, with only ONE space between each paragraph. Photos help to illustrate and add depth and understanding to the character. This section will be divided up into different section of their life - note if the character has little information about them, all the information can be put under this heading - Biography (in a level three heading). Level Four headings and lower will be used for a recurring character like Martha Jones or Gwen Cooper. Headings on pages like these will most likely be:

Heading 4

  • Early Life
Heading 5
  • A significant event (if any) that happen

Heading 4

  • First major event that happens to them, or another key stage in their life
    • e.g - Recruitment to Torchwood or Joining the Doctor
Heading 5
  • Significant events that happened during this time. e.g. The Master's return

and so....


  • Level Three heading
  • Information contained in here is about the individual's personality, how they react, their moods and how their treat others and react to situations. This should be written as a paragraph, taking a new sentence when needed.

Habits and Quirks

  • Level Four heading
  • This section describes if the individual does anything regularly, or if the individual has a history of doing stuff e.g has a tendency yo want to help other all the time. This should be written as a paragraph, taking a new sentence for each Habit or quirk.

Other Information

  • Level 2 heading
  • Under this go all the miscellaneous information, all under level three headings. This section will include:
    • Romantic interests (if any)
      • For each person they should be on a level four heading, under that should be a description about how the relationship was formed, and how it went, and even ended.
    • Family (if known)
      • This should be written as bullet. With person name first, like a link, and what relative they are to the person in brackets next to it.
    • Alternate Realities
      • Name of Alternate Realities (heading four)
      • Under this heading should go a description of what happened to the person in the alternate realities
    • Skills and Abilities (if known)
      • This should be written as a paragraph and include what the individual is good at, bad at etc.
    • Nicknames (if any)
      • This should be written as a paragraph and contain the individuals nickname, and who called them that and their reactions to it.
    • Other information
      • this should be bullet point and last on one sentence.

Key Life Events

  • Level Two Heading
  • This should be in bullet points, last no long than a sentence, a key events in the individual life, and what story/episode it is from. prefix: (Episode/Story/Comic) (linked)

See Also

  • Level Two Heading
  • This should be a bullet point list, which characters who are similar (linked) and a brief description how.
  • If there is nothing that can go in this section, it should be fitted with To Be Added

Behind the Scenes

  • Level Two heading
  • This should be bullet points about extra information about the character form a production point of view.
  • There may be headings in this section. In this case, the bullets points should go first, followed by headings at Level Three Heading
    • Under these headings it should be in paragraphs.
    • such headings that will come under here include Casting, Popularity and significance and Continuity and canon

External Links

  • Level Two heading
  • This should be a list, not bullet pointed, of Links to website beyond the wikia, and should be about the individual the article is about.
  • This link(s) should be check regularly to make sure they are still inuse.
  • If they are no External Links, this heading should be deleted


  • This should contain any templates the individual is on, such as Tenth Doctor's Companions or Torchwood Three personnel
  • If the individual is not on any templates, the section should be deleted