Help:2012 archive/Related Videos
The Related Videos Module (RVM) is a part of the Wikia skin which displays a series of videos relevant to a particular page. This help file tells you more about how to use the RVM. On this wiki, use of the RVM is governed by a few rules discussed elsewhere.
The RVM is in beta as of August 2012. It is therefore possible that at the time you read this document, features described herein may have changed.

The RVM exists in the right column of every page in the main namespace. Used properly, it can greatly enhance our readers' experience of our wiki.
It can lift a page from being simply a collection of text and pictures to one that offers readers a chance to hear directly from behind-the-scenes personnel on various subjects, as can be seen on the page Michael E. Briant. It can provide a trailer for a story, as at Earthshock and The Lodger. Or it can help identify some of the lesser-known characters in Doctor Who history, as with Carol Bell. It can even serve as a sort of "current photograph" of an individual, as at Barbara Windsor.
As long as we're obeying both our video and Related Videos policies, it's in some ways better than a static photo. Provided we're taking the video from the YouTube channel of a legal rights-holder to the video, we don't have to worry about copyright issues.
But it also carries with it the potential for abuse. Obviously, we don't want someone's Rose/Ten 'shipping video on the site. Nor do we want people posting the entirety of an episode here. Administrators must therefore occasionally check Category:Videos to see if the videos automatically placed in that category comply with our policies.
Adding video
Posting new video to a page is extremely easy.
- Copy the URL of the YouTube video you'd like to add.
- Go to the Tardis page where you want to place it.
- Hit the "add a video" button
- Paste the URL
- Hit "Add"
You should not change the name of the video in any way. Just copy it from YouTube, paste it directly, and hit "Add".
Deleting a video
If you make a mistake and want to delete a video from a page, send a note to CzechOut, who'll take care of the problem for you.