Icelandic Tourism Information Centre

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The Icelandic Tourism Information Centre was the Icelandic counterpart of Torchwood, being tasked with hunting aliens under the guise of a tourist information office. In the 2020s it was run by Kristin Magnúsdóttir. (AUDIO: Heistland [+]Loading...["Heistland (audio story)"])


After Gwen Cooper and Rhys Williams moved to Iceland, Ng contacted Kristin and suggested she recruit Gwen. After encountering Ng and helping her confront the Mist, Gwen decided to accept the offer. (AUDIO: Misty Eyes [+]Loading...["Misty Eyes (audio story)"])

Kristin began investigating Friend's Deadcoin auction of a DNA weapon, calling in Rhys as Gwen was away in Peru. Kristin hoped to one-up Torchwood’s own investigation into Deadcoin, as she was hoping to takeover the team, but was unaware that was Yvonne Hartman had actually relied on that with her plan being to have Torchwood’s raid distract Friend so Iceland could succeed, even arranging Gwen’s absence so Rhys would be involved as he was more predictable. Kristin had Rhys call Yvonne and Tyler Steele so that she could track them as they travelled to Deadcoin’s headquarters at Carcassonne, and later spoke to the Torchwood team directly during their heist to reveal her takeover intentions. Kristin and Rhys located the Deadcoin servers in Iceland, which Kristin was unable to hack into so Rhys instead tricked the guards into loading the servers into a van for him and Kristin to take them away. Afterwards Yvonne revealed her manipulation to Kristin, much to her frustration. (AUDIO: Heistland [+]Loading...["Heistland (audio story)"])

Gwen and Rhys assisted Torchwood’s effort to stop Friend activating DNA bioweapons around the world by undermining internet infrastructure. Using the stolen Deadcoin, they purchased media servers to prevent them being used to stream Janet's Late Teatime, resulting in the programme being streamed through three struggling computers instead. On Yvonne’s cue he revealed this to Friend on the programme, delivering a line of technobabble which Gwen had not believed he could say. (AUDIO: The Apocalypse Starts at 6PM [+]Loading...["The Apocalypse Starts at 6PM (audio story)"])