Tardis:WebRef/site settings examples

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
< Tardis:WebRef
Revision as of 20:22, 1 April 2024 by Bongolium500 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This page provides some example site settings for Tardis:WebRef. == doctorwho.tv == <syntaxhighlight lang="json">"doctorwho.tv": { "title": "h1", "date": "p.article-published-date", "siteName": "doctorwho.tv", "lang": "en", "publisher": "BBC Studios" }</syntaxhighlight> == The Tardis Library == <syntaxhighlight lang="json">"timelash.com": { "title": "1table td", "siteName": "The Tardis Library", "lang": "en", "publisher": "Timelash" }</syntaxhighl...")
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This page provides some example site settings for Tardis:WebRef.


"doctorwho.tv": {
	"title": "h1",
	"date": "p.article-published-date",
	"siteName": "[[doctorwho.tv]]",
	"lang": "en",
	"publisher": "[[BBC Studios]]"

The Tardis Library

"timelash.com": {
	"title": "1table td",
	"siteName": "The Tardis Library",
	"lang": "en",
	"publisher": "Timelash"

BBC Media Centre

"bbc.co.uk": {
	"title": "meta title",
	"date": "div.lastUpdated.mercury",
	"siteName": "[[bbc.co.uk]]",
	"lang": "en",
	"publisher": "[[BBC]]"