Forum:Masterplan of an unknown enemy?

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Revision as of 13:49, 7 June 2010 by (talk)
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For a couple of years I been thinking, what if almost every major event the Doctor has faced, including, and prehaps starting with, the "Time-War" have been part of massive plot by a powerful new, but ancient as yet unseen adversery (whom I've dubed the "Chaos-Lords"), who've been manlipulating everyone, too their own and destructive ends, the main reason I susspect this, well it's funny that both the Daleks (with their Reality Bomb) and the Time Lords (and their Final Sanction) intend to bring about the end of everything, with the belief they will survive...maybe the Doctor(s) finally faces them in the anniversary final, with the Daleks as his unexpected allies86.154.177.150 13:48, June 7, 2010 (UTC)?